The Tree Grant Program provides free trees for street medians, public parks, commercial parkways and other public property, including police and fire stations, libraries and schools. Two kinds of trees are available: 3-inch diameter balled and burlapped trees and 10- to 15-gallon container-grown trees.
Applications are due Sept. 15 each year.
Apply online
View the evaluation guidelines.(PDF, 32KB)
Trees for the Grant Program are grown at Rolling Hills, the city’s tree farm, from locally-collected seeds. The tree species are either native or well-adapted to the area and include bald cypress, cedar elm, Chinese pistache, Eve’s necklace, golden raintree, Kentucky coffeetree, Mexican buckeye, bur oak, Chinquapin oak, live oak, Mexican white oak, post oak, red oak and Texas redbud. Balled and burlapped trees are available only during the dormant season, usually December through March, while the container-grown trees can be planted fall through spring.
How the program works
To be considered for the Tree Grant Program, applicants must agree to the following minimum requirements:
- Complete a Tree Grant Application and site plan, and submit them to the Forestry Section by Sept. 15 of each tree planting season.
- Locate utility lines prior to receiving trees.
- To locate lines for city street lights and traffic signals, call 817-392-1234 at least three to five working days before you plan to dig. A city employee will come out and mark the underground lines.
- To locate phone, cable, gas, electric, water or sewer lines, call Texas811 (811) at least two working days before you plan to dig.
- Be prepared to answer detailed questions about the project, including location, address, depth and width that you are digging, how long your dig will take and any other special instructions needed to make sure the correct area gets marked. If possible, be ready with the GPS coordinates or Mapsco number of your dig.
- Be sure to receive a reference number as confirmation of the phone call.
- Texas811 will then notify utility companies, who will come out and mark their underground lines.
- Plant the trees within 24 hours of delivery, according to city tree planting specifications.
- Water the trees for a two-year period after planting.
- Meet with a forester on site during tree planting to ensure the trees are being planted correctly.
Because the demand for trees is always greater than the Forestry Section can accommodate, these trees are awarded on a priority basis. In addition to the evaluation criteria, the following factors help to determine the priority status of a project:
- Trees that will be planted by a neighborhood group or other entity will have priority over trees to be planted by Forestry work crews.
- Hand watering by a neighborhood group or other entity will be given priority over projects that must be hand watered by Forestry work crews.
- Projects that will be irrigated using drip emitters or tree bubblers will be given priority over hand watering.
- Tree irrigation water that is paid for by a neighborhood group or other entity will have priority over water that will be paid by the city.