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Calendar events and links to city meetings streaming on FWTV (Fort Worth Television).
Published on March 11, 2025
Each event will include a live reading, photo opportunities and family-friendly activities.
An assessment includes a survey of each facility and in-depth reports with personalized recommendations and water-use analysis.
“The Grab” looks at a scenario where entire populations are at risk of losing food and water.
Stop by City Hall and help give these animals the lucky break they deserve.
Published on March 09, 2025
Spring break is a popular time to visit the zoo and other attractions. Here are a few tips for motorists.
Cities have limited control. They can regulate factors such as designated takeoff and landing areas, noise restrictions and privacy considerations.
The American Rescue Plan will deliver $350 billion for eligible state, local, territorial, and Tribal governments to respond to the COVID-19 emergency and replace lost revenue for governments. Read more.
Select a tab above to view City News, today or upcoming Calendar events and links to city meetings streaming on FWTV (Fort Worth Television).
March 11, 2025
Visit the Rainforest Conservatory of Fort Worth Botanic Garden during Butterflies in the Garden.
The American Athletic Conference Championships take place March 9-13 for Women’s NCAA Basketball, and March 13-17 for the Men’s NCAA Basketball Championship. Exiting on Montgomery Avenue is a great way to get to easy parking at Dickies Arena.
Construction to improve water service reliability by replacing old, large cast iron water mains and one sewer main. View the project page to find more details on the construction schedule.
March 12, 2025
Love video games? Play with friends and chat with other gamers at the library.
This school-age event is a great way for young students to learn about new places, cultures and customs.
March 14, 2025
Need a safe place for your child during the Springr break from school? Your local community center has a solution: Spring Break Camp.
Keep up-to-date on city council, board meetings and presentations by watching Fort Worth Television. View programming live or recorded, either online, on TV or YouTube.
Watch live City Council meetings on Live Stream 1 or view recorded City Council meetings on FWTV.
Watch boards and commissions meetings live or as recordings on FWTV.
Watch programs or initiatives in action, as recorded videos from the links below.
Click the active link in this box, which will show when a City Council meeting is in progress. This link will navigate to Live Stream 1.
City's Monthly Calendar Schedule
Click the logo for OneAddress to search the address and find all the data the city has for this location. This includes permits, code violations and crime around your home.