Outdoor Spaces & Buildings - Public spaces that are safe and accessible, with shade and places to sit, allow for comfort and independence.
Respect and Social Inclusion - Inclusive programs that promote diversity, equity, and multi-generational interaction and dialogue foster respect.
Communication & Information - Promoting access to technology and other resources to keep older residents connected to community and family.
Transportation - Affordable, convenient, safe and accessible transit options ensure equity of mobility and the ability to travel around the city.
Civic Participation & Employment - Paid work, volunteering and local engagement empowers people and creates social change.:
Housing - Diverse and affordable housing options, along with home modification programs, allow Fort Worth residents of all ages to age in place.
Community Support & Health Services - A wide network of home care, clinics, and programs can promote wellness and active aging.
Age Friendly Logo
Social Participation - Access to engaging activities can offer older residents recreation, leisure, education and socializing with others.