Age-Friendly & Dementia-Friendly Business Directory

Businesses that can provide access and service with respectful communication and assistance to individuals from diverse races, ages and cultures and to those with various abilities in the City of Fort Worth.


Those Fort Worth businesses that apply, undergo a review of their business location, and commit to making any necessary age-friendly or dementia-friendly improvements can be certified as an Age-Friendly and Dementia-Friendly Business.



Promotional Materials

Once the designation has been conferred, the business will be included in the Fort Worth Age-Friendly and Dementia-Friendly Business Directory.

These are materials used in promoting Fort Worth’s Certified Age-Friendly & Dementia-Friendly Business program.



For more information about Age-Friendly & Dementia-Friendly Fort Worth or the Certified Age-Friendly Business program, please contact:

Age-Friendly Contact: Zulema Solis | | (214) 265-4073

Dementia-Friendly Contact: Gail Snider | | (817) 332-6266

City of Fort Worth Contact:   Suzanne Richards | | (817) 392-2591