Cowtown Great American Cleanup

Saturday, March 29, 2025, 8-11 a.m. Registration now open!

The Cowtown Great American Cleanup is our largest annual litter cleanup and beautification event of the year. Each spring, thousands of volunteers across the city join together to do beautiful things for Fort Worth. Schools, churches, businesses, community organizations, families and individuals are all welcome to participate!

In 2024, Cowtown Cleanup volunteers removed over 134,000 pounds of trash from our city!

Register now!

Quick, easy steps for a successful cleanup!

Join the fun in cleaning up Fort Worth; it's easy and free to participate!

Before the event:

Step 1. Mark your calendar for March 29 – you can participate by yourself or organize a group.

Step 2. Choose to pick up litter at one of our pre-selected hub sites or choose any public site you want to clean up.

Step 3. Register as an individual, a family or a group.

Step 4. Pick up your free t-shirts and cleanup supplies on Thursday, March 27 or Friday, March 28. Supply distribution and location details will be provided to you as we get closer to the event.

On the day of the event:

Step 5. Pick up litter on March 29.

Can’t pick up on March 29, but want to participate? Email us at

After the event:

Step 6. Take the bags to one of the four Drop-Off Stations or schedule a pickup.

Step 7. Report your amazing results with an easy, online form. One form per group.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Cowtown Great American Cleanup?

The Cowtown Great American Cleanup is the single largest community cleanup and beautification event in Fort Worth. The annual event is hosted by Keep Fort Worth Beautiful (KFWB). Each year, schools, churches, businesses and individuals pick up litter from parks, streets, creeks and other public areas.

 What are the goals for this event?

  • Keep Fort Worth Beautiful works to ensure our city is a clean, green, and beautiful place to live. No one individual can do this alone. It takes all of us. This is why we invite people like you to participate in our activities and support our programs.
  • The heart of KFWB is our volunteers. The Cowtown Great American Cleanup attracts approximately 5,000 individuals, collecting an average of 140,000 pounds of trash each year.

Who can participate?

Everyone! Community organizations, businesses, individuals, non-profit, governmental agencies, and scout troops all are welcome to participate in this event.

What ages can participate?

Youth, teens and adults are welcome to participate.

What is the cost to participate?

There is no cost to participate. KFWB provides gloves and trash bags to all registered participants. Event t-shirts are provided to the first 4,000 registrants. 

Can volunteers choose a location to clean up?

Yes. Volunteers are encouraged to choose a location that is important to them. Locations can include school campuses, creeks and other waterways, or even empty lots. KFWB also chooses various hubs throughout the city. This year's hubs include Lake Como Park, Casino Beach Park, Glenwood Park, Sylvania Park, and Village Creek Park. Volunteers are welcome to register for a hub location.

What do I do with the trash bags and/or recycling that was collected?

If possible, take your trash and recyclables to the nearest Drop-Off Station. Free vouchers will be provided upon request.

If you cannot transport your collected trash and recyclables, schedule a pick-up with our collection crews. First, place all bagged trash and recycling together in as few piles as possible. Then, contact the Customer Call Center at 817-392-1234 or email 

You can also use the MyFW App and submit a pickup request direct from your mobile phone. Please provide specific location details of your trash pile (street names, block numbers, landmarks, etc). Photos can be uploaded and are helpful to our collection crews so that no bags or items are missed.   

Important Contact Information

 Keep Fort Worth Beautiful - for general event or volunteer inquiries

  • Phone: 817-392-2046
  • Email:

 Customer Call Center - to schedule a trash pick-up

  • Phone: 817-392-1234
  • Email:

 MyFW App - to request trash pick-up

Download the MyFW App from:

MyFW App instruction sheet(PDF, 2MB)

Post Event Wrap-Up

After the event, be sure to:

  1. Take the bags and/or recycling to one of the four Drop-Off Stations.
  2. Report your amazing results!

If you are unable to haul your bags, contact the Customer Call Center at 817-392-1234 to schedule a pickup or submit a request from your phone using the MyFW App. Be sure to have the following information ready:

  • Exact location of your bags (address or cross street, ex: "3600 Sansom Park Dr.", "Buck Sansom Park", "Corner of 35th and Macie")
  • Description of the location (ex: "5 bags located between two trees on north side of the main parking lot")
  • Photos are helpful when submitting through MyFW App.  

Due to the limited availability of crews, reported bags may take until April 3 to be collected. If possible, please take your bags to one of the City’s four Drop-Off Stations.

You can also take your bags to dispose of them with your normal garbage collection but must follow standard residential garbage/recycling guidelines.

If you do not receive an email to report your results after the event, report them on the Post Event Wrap-Up Form. One form per group. 

2025 Partners

Thank you to our partners!

Keep-America-Beautiful-Logo.png      Keep-Texas-Beautiful-Vertical-Logo.png    70a21a3e-f801-4990-8496-0aeb24d14f74.jpg 

Earth Party 2025 Information

After the cleanup, volunteers are invited to join Keep Fort Worth Beautiful at the volunteer celebration - Earth Party

Celebrate with a complimentary hot dog lunch, free music and entertainment, pet adoptions, exhibitors, and the annual Trashion Fashion Show.

Time:  Immediately after Cowtown Great American Cleanup, 11 a.m. - 1 p.m.

Location:  Rockwood Park, 701 N University Dr., Fort Worth, TX 76114. View map here.(PDF, 659KB)

Trashion Fashion Show


dirt worms

Trash + Fashion = Trashion!

2025 Trashion Fashion Contest

Keep Fort Worth Beautiful encourages using less stuff: reduce, reuse and recycle! Submit photos and enter to win.

1) Create your clothing or accessory.

Show off your creativity! Create clothing or accessories using reclaimed, reused or discarded material.

2) Send photos to

Take a picture of your finished product and submit it via email. You can showcase your design by wearing it, asking friends or family to wear it, or just taking a picture of it.

3) Win prizes with option to model.

Prizes will be awarded to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners. Additional honorable mentions will be awarded for most re-used material, most creative, and the most varied materials. Following the cleanup, all Trashion Fashion participants are invited to the 2025 Earth Party to work the catwalk and show off their designs! 

To enter:

  1. Entry is free.
  2. Contest is open to everyone in the community.
  3. Make your creation by yourself or with a team of up to five people.
  4. Entries must be at least 50% trash or recyclable material.
  5. Submit photos to
  6. Be sure to include names of the designers, the model, and the title of the outfit.

Entries must be submitted by Thursday, March 27, 2025. 

Help us promote this message! Download the Trashion Fashion Contest information sheet(PDF, 2MB) and share it with family, friends, schools or anyone that may be interested.

Questions or concerns? Contact for full Trashion Fashion Show details.


Hub Locations

Volunteers are welcome to register for one of the following hub locations. Get details about each hub below.

Hub Overview

Hub Locations:

  1. Lake Como Park
  2. Casino Beach Park
  3. Glenwood Park


  1. Sylvania Park
  2. Village Creek Park
  3. Arcadia Trail North Park
  4. Panther Island Beach
 Drop-Off Stations:
cowtown cleanup hub overview map  


Hub 1:
Lake Como Park

3401 Lake Como Dr., 76107
Nearest DOS Station:
Brennan DOS
2400 Brennan Ave., 76105
 cowtown cleanup hub map 1


Hub 2:
Casino Beach Park

7400 Watercress Dr., 76135
Nearest DOS Station:
Brennan DOS
2400 Brennan Ave., 76106
 cowtown cleanup hub map 2


Hub 3:
Glenwood Park

910 S Riverside Dr., 76104
Nearest DOS Station:
Brennan DOS
2400 Brennan Ave., 76106
 cowtown cleanup hub map 3


Hub 4:
Sylvania Park

3700 E Belknap St., 76111
Nearest DOS Station:
Brennan DOS
2400 Brennan Ave., 76106

cowtown cleanup hub map 4


Hub 5:
Village Creek Park

4750 Wilbarger St., 76119
Nearest DOS:
Old Hemphill DOS
5150 Martin Luther King Jr Fwy., 76119

cowtown cleanup hub map 5


Hub 6:
Arcadia Trail North Park

878 Rock Cress Dr., 76114
Nearest DOS Station:
Hillshire DOS
301 Hillshire Dr., 76052


Hub 7:
Trinity River -Panther Island Beach

480 N. Taylor St.

Nearest DOS Station:

Brennan DOS
2400 Brennan Ave., 76102

Hosted by:
Trinity Coalition 


Optional Rental Information:

Rentals will be available at Adventures Unlimited Paddling website
$15 fee per watercraft.

Trinity Coalition and Adventures Unlimited Paddling Company sponsor
Contact: Teresa Patterson

All rental reservations must be made via website, email or phone by March 28. 

Launch Point:
The Launch Point is at Panther Island Beach next to the Taylor traffic circle. The blue square labeled “Kayak Rental” on the map site map shows the exact location. Parking is available at the Panther Island Pavilion, located at 395 Purcey St.