Reporting Panhandling
Aggressive Panhandling Ordinance
The Aggressive Panhandling Ordinance (Section 30-16) creates three offenses in an effort to address aggressive panhandling. Each violation may result in a citation and/or cash bond arrest.
Solicitation in An Aggressive Manner in A Public Area or Public Place
“Aggressive Manner” is defined as:
• Using violent or threatening gestures;
• Continuing to solicit after person has given negative response;
• Intentionally blocking or interfering with free passage of a pedestrian or vehicle;
• Soliciting money from a person waiting in a line for tickets, for entry to a building, of for any other purpose;
• Soliciting from a minor less than 16 years of age;
• Approaching/following person in a manner that would cause a reasonable person to fear imminent bodily harm or loss of property or otherwise to be harassed or intimidated into giving money or other thing of value
A “Public Area” is defined as:
• An area to which the public has access, including:
• Common areas of hospitals, apartment houses, office buildings, transport facilities, shops, basements, building entrances
• Lobbies, hallways, stairways, mezzanines, elevators, foyers, public restrooms, or any other place used in common by the public What is a “Public Place”
A “Public Place” is defined as a place to which a governmental entity has title to which the public has access, including: Any street, highway, sidewalk, walkway, parking lot, plaza, transportation facility, school, place of amusement, park, or playground
Solicitation in a Prohibited Place
This Ordinance includes several specific areas where solicitation is prohibited:
• Within 20 feet of: ATMs, Entrance/Exit of Banks, Entrance/Exit to Check Cashing Businesses, Parking Meters, Public Parking Garages/Pay Stations, Entrance/Exit to Restaurants or Service Areas of Outdoor Eating Establishments, Marked Crosswalks, Entrance to Commercial/Government buildings;
• In a bus, in a bus station or stop, or at a facility operated by a transportation authority Solicitation in a Prohibited Place
• Within 5 feet of a curb or edge of a street;
• Within 50 feet from any land owned by a public or private school and used in whole or part for providing education services to elementary age children;
• Within 10 feet of a gas station, liquor store, or convenience store;
• At a public event that is operating by permit issued by the City at City Parks
Solicitation on Private Property
This Ordinance prohibits:
• Solicitation on private property or residential property without permission from the owner;
• Solicitation in a Public Room of a private building without the written permission or consent of the Building’s Owner or Managing and Authorizing Agent;
• Solicitation on private property where a sign is posted prohibiting solicitation on Private Property