How Can I Help?


Whether it is providing a meal or spare change, giving to individuals that approach asking for assistance is often counterproductive to the initiatives taking place in the City and through Continuum of Care agencies and encourages individuals to continue illegally soliciting. This is especially true in a roadside setting, which creates unsafe situations for individuals and drivers.

For residents looking to help reduce homelessness locally, consider directing that generosity to organizations that specialize in serving people experiencing homelessness, which results in a more sustainable impact on reducing homelessness in Fort Worth than one-time direct giving to an individual. 

See below for a list of organizations that have Gold Star Membership in the Tarrant and Parker County Continuum of Care and also receive funding through Homeless Strategies at City of Fort Worth for various programs that aim to reduce homelessness in Fort Worth.  

Those interested in volunteering with or giving to these organizations should reach out to the organizations directly:  



Reporting Panhandling

  • Call:  
    Fort Worth Police Department: Call the non-emergency number at (817) 392-4222
    Fort Worth Contact Center: Call (817) 392-1234 or 3-1-1 

  • Text: 817-835-MYFW (6939) 


Aggressive Panhandling Ordinance

The Aggressive Panhandling Ordinance (Section 30-16) creates three offenses in an effort to address aggressive panhandling. Each violation may result in a citation and/or cash bond arrest.


Solicitation in An Aggressive Manner in A Public Area or Public Place 

 “Aggressive Manner” is defined as:  

• Using violent or threatening gestures;  

• Continuing to solicit after person has given negative response;  

• Intentionally blocking or interfering with free passage of a pedestrian or vehicle;  

• Soliciting money from a person waiting in a line for tickets, for entry to a building, of for any other purpose;  

• Soliciting from a minor less than 16 years of age;  

• Approaching/following person in a manner that would cause a reasonable person to fear imminent bodily harm or loss of property or otherwise to be harassed or intimidated into giving money or other thing of value  


A “Public Area” is defined as: 

• An area to which the public has access, including:  

• Common areas of hospitals, apartment houses, office buildings, transport facilities, shops, basements, building entrances  

• Lobbies, hallways, stairways, mezzanines, elevators, foyers, public restrooms, or any other place used in common by the public What is a “Public Place”  


A “Public Place” is defined as a place to which a governmental entity has title to which the public has access, including:  Any street, highway, sidewalk, walkway, parking lot, plaza, transportation facility, school, place of amusement, park, or playground  


Solicitation in a Prohibited Place 

This Ordinance includes several specific areas where solicitation is prohibited:  

• Within 20 feet of:  ATMs, Entrance/Exit of Banks, Entrance/Exit to Check Cashing Businesses, Parking Meters, Public Parking Garages/Pay Stations, Entrance/Exit to Restaurants or Service Areas of Outdoor Eating Establishments, Marked Crosswalks, Entrance to Commercial/Government buildings;  

• In a bus, in a bus station or stop, or at a facility operated by a transportation authority Solicitation in a Prohibited Place   

• Within 5 feet of a curb or edge of a street; 

• Within 50 feet from any land owned by a public or private school and used in whole or part for providing education services to elementary age children;  

• Within 10 feet of a gas station, liquor store, or convenience store;  

• In a public restroom 

• At a public event that is operating by permit issued by the City at City Parks  


Solicitation on Private Property

This Ordinance prohibits:  

• Solicitation on private property or residential property without permission from the owner;  

• Solicitation in a Public Room of a private building without the written permission or consent of the Building’s Owner or Managing and Authorizing Agent;  

• Solicitation on private property where a sign is posted prohibiting solicitation on Private Property