Hot doggy! FWACC to pilot day camp for foster pups

Published on April 22, 2024


This is a great opportunity for anyone who lives, works near or passes by the Hulen area.


You’ve heard of hybrid vehicles. But how about hybrid fosters!

Fort Worth Animal Care & Control, in partnership with PetSmart Charities and Virginia Tech, is thrilled to launch Doggy Day Camp Monday, May 6, at the Hulen Everyday Adoption Center (EAC).

The camp is a form of fostering that will allow participants take their foster pups to the Hulen EAC while they’re at work or out running errands.

Playtime for canines, a break for fams

Talk about a win-win for foster doggos and their hooman companions!

Shelter staff will work with each foster on enrichment activities and also showcase the pet for adoption. If the foster isn’t adopted during their one-day stay, their family will pick them up that evening ... and repeat.

During the pilot period, FWACC will team with PetSmart Charities and Virginia Tech to collect data to determine how hybrid fostering and traditional fostering will affect an animal's length of stay vs. not having a foster home at all.

If this hybrid program does as well as staff hopes it will, they plan to offer it at the Alliance Adoption Center in the fall.

Bow-WOW benefits

  • Mental stimulation
  • Socialization
  • Exercise
  • Routine
  • Day supervision
  • Increased adopter visibility
  • Relief from separation anxiety

Other good stuff to know

  • The program is open to select dogs who are current FWACC foster pups, not showing signs of illness and are available for adoption.
  • Participants must take their foster to the EAC a minimum of four days a week between drop-off (7:30-9 a.m. Monday-Saturday; 8:30-10 a.m. Sunday) and pickup times (7-7:30 p.m. Monday-Saturday; 5-5:30 p.m. Sunday).
  • You’re encouraged to bring their favorite toys, blankets and/or bedding.
  • FWACC serves Science Diet for lunch. If your foster eats a different brand, please feed them before camp or bring them with a “packed lunch.”
  • About 15 foster families will be able to participate at a time due to kennel availability.

For questions, further details or to pursue this unique foster opportunity, send an email.

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