Urgent Placement Pets

Urgent Placement Pets are those identified as needing immediate placement, such as adoption, foster care, or rescue.

Fort Worth Animal Care & Control is an open-intake city facility, meaning we cannot refuse any animals, regardless of their condition, species, or health status. This includes injured, sick, nursing, or behaviorally challenged animals, which presents unique challenges in terms of space, resources, and care.

FWACC collaborates closely with rescue groups, foster homes, and adoption programs to manage the volume and ensure animals have the best chance for rehabilitation and adoption. In some cases, they may be given more time to find a home, while others may sadly need to be humanely euthanized to prevent further suffering.

The Urgent Placement Pets listed below urgently need help and are at the highest risk of being euthanized. Their situation is reassessed daily to determine the best course of action.

Animals may be added to the Urgent Placement Pets list for a variety of reasons. Read more here.


If your organization would like to tag an animal for rescue: 

An email must be sent to FWACCTAG@fortworthtexas.gov by 5 p.m. on the day before the animal is scheduled for review. The email should include the following information:

  • Organization name
  • Requestor name
  • Animal identification number ("A" number)

Not a current partner? Apply here: https://loom.ly/HuvkCNU


82 Result(s) Found
Image for Loaf


Male Dog
4 years
Image for Cupcake


Female Dog
1 year
Image for Twinkie


Female Dog
1 month
Image for Willow


Female Dog
3 years
Image for Daisy


Female Dog
Less than a month
Image for Ivy


Female Dog
Less than a month
Image for Dahlia


Female Dog
Less than a month
Image for Juniper


Male Dog
Less than a month
Image for River


Male Dog
Less than a month
Image for Gabby


Female Dog
8 years 1 month
Image for Sky


Female Dog
2 years 3 months
Image for Spike


Male Dog
10 years
Page 1 of 7

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Animals may be added to the Urgent Placement Pets list for a variety of reasons, including: 

Urgent: Medical 

  • Animals listed as Urgent for Medical Reasons are in need of placement due to medical conditions that exceed the shelter's ability to provide adequate care. The decision to euthanize these animals may be made at any time, typically based on a veterinarian's recommendation or if the animal’s condition becomes terminal or deteriorates significantly.  
Urgent: Immediate Rescue 
  • Animal listed as Urgent for Immediate Rescue are listed in the highest need of urgent placement, often requiring a safe haven by the end of the day or the following day. In certain cases, additional time may be allowed, depending on the animal's health and overall well-being.  
  • Many times you will see mothers with nursing babies or orphaned neonates marked for immediate placement, as shelters are not suitable environments for newborns. Moms and neonates are not immediately euthanized, however there is significant urgency to place them in appropriate care to prevent them from struggling to thrive in a shelter environment.  
  • The decision to euthanize is made at any time, based on the recommendation of a veterinarian or if the animal’s condition becomes terminal or their health declines.  
Urgent: Capacity  
  • Animals listed as Urgent for Capacity are our most vulnerable pets when the shelter is at full capacity. They have been identified as needing urgent attention due to factors like prolonged stays or limited adoption interest. These animals are only euthanized when necessary to manage capacity constraints.  
  • These animals are listed on our website with a minimum of 4 days' notice for networking. In most cases, as capacity permits, animals listed for capacity may receive more than the standard 4 days' notice.  
Urgent: Behavior 
  • Animals listed as Urgent for Behavior are need of urgent placement due to behavior concerns. These behaviors can be a safety risk to staff, volunteers, adopters, other pets or to the animals themselves. This can also include animals who are fearful and/or show signs of mental deterioration in the shelter and placement in a foster home or rescue is recommended.   
  • These animals are listed on our website with a minimum of 4 days notice of networking (unless behavior poses a significant safety risk). 

Animals are reviewed and monitored daily. Those exhibiting behaviors deemed a safety risk to staff or the public, as well as animals with terminal or rapidly declining medical conditions, may be euthanized at any time, and without being listed for network placement, if immediate disposition is necessary.  If an animal no longer needs to be on the Urgent List, they will be removed. Each time a pet is taken from the Urgent List, it creates space and opportunity for another animal in need.


Have a suggestion? Please share your feedback HERE to help us improve the process for Urgent Pet placements.