Fireworks are illegal in Fort Worth!
5601.1.3 Fireworks: The possession, manufacture, storage, sale, handling and use of fireworks are prohibited.
Grass, shrubs, trees and your apartment building are just a few things that could go up in flames due to fireworks.
Propane & Charcoal Grills
Using a grill within 10 feet of a building or on balconies, walkways or landings is illegal.
If your apartment complex has a common area where grilling is allowed, follow the guidance below:

- Make sure the grill isn't near any material that could catch fire, such as under a patio.
- Only open a propane tank a quarter to one-half turn. That’s all the gas the grill needs to operate.
- Stay with your fire from the time you first light the grill until you've finished cooking.
- When finished, remember to shut off your grill AND the propane tank.
- Never use gasoline to light charcoal briquettes; use only lighter fluid.
- Gasoline is dangerous and poisonous!
- Before you light the charcoal, remove the lighter fluid from the area.
- Always dispose of the used charcoal and ashes in a safe manner. Let them cool, then carefully place them in a bucket of water or metal container with a tight-fitting lid.
7-96(a): A person who is a tenant of a dwelling unit shall not use portable barbecues or cooking appliances within 10 feet of a building or structure or on balconies, walkways or landings.
Code Compliance encourages owners and managers to print the document below to distribute to tenants and post in common areas:
Download the Multifamily Fire Safety brochure(PDF, 798KB)