Rental Registration

for rent sign in front yard
Apartment complex with gate

Three or more units

Three and above means: three or more units under the same roof (triplexes); three or more on one lot under the same ownership; or three or more units on connecting lots all owned by the same person

Annual registration is a $13 flat fee for each rental unit.

Requires out of state property owners to designate a local agent to accept legal service, and a contact for local emergencies

Form for Multi-Family Rental Registration(PDF, 444KB) — printable copy for faxing. Fax completed forms to 817-392-6774.

<Duplex housing with two garages

 Voluntary Registration

Registration is voluntary for one- and two-family rentals with no violations

Requires out of state property owners to designate a local agent to accept legal service, and a contact for local emergencies

Register Your Property(PDF, 444KB)— printable copy for faxing. Fax completed forms to 817-392-6774.

Small house with trash bin and too many items near it to tell what need to be picked up

 Mandatory One- and Two-Family Registration

Registration is mandatory for one- and two- family rentals with code violations

Annual registration fee is $200 for each unit with violations

Requires out of state property owners to designate a local agent to accept legal service, and a contact for local emergencies