Community Organization Support
The City maintains a registry of neighborhood organizations to facilitate the distribution of important information, including Courtesy Zoning Notifications. Registration with the City is not required, but highly recommended.
Not sure if there’s an organization in your area? Type your address into the City’s OneAddress tool and see if there is anything listed under ‘Neighborhood Organizations.’ If there is an organization listed, visit the Neighborhood Database to locate contact information and other details.
Registration Process
To learn more about how to get your organization going, contact Community Engagement.
Types of Organizations
The most common types of organizations are Voluntary Neighborhood Organizations and Mandatory Neighborhood Organizations.
Voluntary Neighborhood Organizations:
A Voluntary Neighborhood Association is an organization that represents all residents in the neighborhood and operates through an open, democratic process to improve or maintain the overall quality of life for all individuals within those boundaries. Membership in a voluntary neighborhood association is open to all the residents in the neighborhood but participation is optional.
To initially get a Voluntary Neighborhoood Organization registered with the City of Fort Worth, please compleate the appropriate online form below or email a completed copy to
New Voluntary Neighborhood Association Registration Form
To initially get a Faith-Based Organization registered with the City of Fort Worth, please compleate the appropriate online form below or email a completed copy
Faith -Based Registration Form
Mandatory Neighborhood Organizations:
Mandatory Neighborhood Associations are established to maintain common areas and enforce private deed restrictions. Unlike a Voluntary Association, membership in the association is not optional.
When an individual purchases property within a mandatory association, the individual automatically becomes a member. These organizations are often called HOAs.
To initially get a Mandatory Neighborhood Organization registered with the City of Fort Worth, please complete the appropriate online form below or email a completed copy
New Mandatory Registration Form
Information Update Process for Voluntary Neighborhood Organizations
Voluntary Neighborhood Organization Updates:
We want to make sure you are receiving important information. Registered Voluntary Neighborhood Organizations are required to submit an update form annually.
However, updates should also be submitted as soon as possible after elections or any time contacts change.
Complete the appropriate online form below, or email a completed copy to
Voluntary Organization Update
Neighborhood Alliance Organization Updates:
We want to make sure you are receiving important information. Registered Neighborhood Alliance Organizations are required to submit an update form annually.
However, updates should also be submitted as soon as possible after elections or any time contacts change.
Complete the appropriate online form below, or email a completed copy to
Neighborhood Alliance Update
Information Update Process for Mandatory Neighborhood Organizations
Mandatory Neighborhood Organization Updates:
We want to make sure you are receiving important information. Registered Mandatory Neighborhood Organizations are required to submit an update form annually.
However, updates should also be submitted as soon as possible after elections or any time contacts change.
Complete the appropriate online form below, or email a completed copy to
Mandatory Organization Update