Education Programs for Adults
Community Engagement offers education presentations to community groups by request. Presentations last about 30-45 minutes and are free of charge. Call 817-392-6201 or email the Community Engagement Office to schedule a program.
Presentation Request
Program List
MedStar | EMS Transition * — When someone calls 911, there must, and will be, high-quality patient care sent to help, at all times. In the past year, the issue at hand has been about sustainable funding and continuing to deliver a high-quality Emergency Medical Services (EMS) system to the City of Fort Worth and surrounding areas. This presentation will provide insight into how the transition process has unfolded and what that looks like for City of Fort Worth and surrounding residents.
Civics 101 — From Washington to Austin to Fort Worth, good government can’t work without you! This overview of your rights and duties helps you see where you fit in.
City Hall 101* — How are city laws made? Which city department handles potholes, stray dogs or building permits? Learn how city government is structured, who represents your interests and how your concerns can be heard.
Community Outreach & Recruiting Volunteers — Planning, social media outreach tools and other techniques for growing your neighborhood association and getting more volunteers involved. 1 1/2-hour workshop.
Connecting With Your Neighbors — What’s great about your neighborhood? Learn how schools, parks, businesses or history can help you connect with neighbors and city services.
Building Trust, Building Community — What barriers foster a lack of trust in your neighborhood? How can you break those barriers? Learn simple ways to develop new relationships and take strategic steps for building trust and a more engaged community. 1-hour.
Neighborhood Leadership Training — Get new association members up to speed while the entire board plans next year’s projects and initiatives. Covers officer responsibilities, bylaws, how to have great meetings and tools for consensus building. 2-hour workshop.
Caring for Cowtown Air — Do you know where air pollution comes from? Learn about ozone formation, the effects on your health and simple ways to prevent air pollution in Fort Worth.
Conquer Your Crud! — Need to get rid of old paint, motor oil and other “crud” lurking in your storage area? Learn the right way to dispose of old batteries, lightbulbs and more—without polluting.
Keeping Our Lakes Clean — Fort Worth’s beautiful lakes are an asset to the community, but some are polluted. Can you guess the top six sources of water pollution in Fort Worth? Even if you don’t live near a lake, you can still help prevent water pollution.
PAWS: Pets Are Worth It! — Learn about City of Fort Worth animal laws that apply to pet owners and what to do if you’re threatened by a dangerous animal.
Recycle Right! — This hands-on recycling and garbage presentation shows what can and cannot be recycled in Fort Worth’s blue cart. See how recycling right can lead to less garbage, save landfill space and possibly save money on your garbage bill.