Contract Management Office

The Development Services - Contract Management Office is responsible for the oversight and integrity of the contracting process for development projects ensuring compliance with applicable laws, City Ordinances, and policies.

Different types of agreements oversee in this section:

  • Community Facility Agreement (CFA)

  • Encroachment Agreement

  • Stormwater Facility Maintenance Agreement (SWFMA)

  • Maintenance Agreement

  • Unified Sign Agreement (USA)

Starting October 1st, 2021, Contract Management Office is also responsible for implementing easement dedication and abandonment by Separate Instrument Process for developer-led acquisitions.
Starting October 1st, 2024, our application and service fees have updated. Please see Development Fee Schedule, Chapter 2, Article XII, Section 2-321 and Chapter 7, Article I, Section 7-1, Part 2, Section 119, Table 1-F, for the updated fees.


Community Facilities Agreement (CFA)

Community Facilities Agreement (CFA)

A Community Facilities Agreement (CFA) is a contract between the city and a developer that is required whenever the construction of public infrastructure is funded entirely or in part by a private developer. It ensures that new development is adequately served by public infrastructure and that the infrastructure improvements are constructed according to city standards.

A CFA may include: 

Several categories of infrastructure to include water, sanitary sewer, paving, drainage, street lights, signs and traffic signals. The CFA consists of three parts:

  • Contract – The agreement and corresponding exhibits and cost estimates describing the infrastructure improvements to be constructed or funded;
  • Financial guarantee – A bond, letter of credit, cash escrow, escrow pledge or completion agreement in an amount sufficient to guarantee project completion, as required by policy;
  • Fees – Payment for city services to include application, construction inspection, materials testing and water lab fees.

The content of a CFA should correspond to the civil construction plans under review by the city's Infrastructure Plan Review Center (IPRC) and must be executed before the associated plat can be filed.

A CFA typically corresponds to both the final plat and the corresponding civil construction plans. The process outline that follows applies to such a project. Please feel free to contact CFA staff for any questions.

To apply for a CFA application, follow the steps below:

Step 1. Application

Download the CFA Application Form(PDF, 629KB), then upload the completed application form and the submittal package to the Accela Citizen Portal. Click HERE to register for Accela Citizen.

Items needed for application acceptance:

  • Completed Application (to include cost estimates)
  • Signature Authority documentation
  • Payment of the application fee in the amount of $2,508.75

Note: We will began drafting the agreement once the submittal has been accepted, and we have the approved Inspection Fees and Material Testing worksheet, Improvement exhibit(s), and the signed bid proposal(s). Notification is sent to the Contract Management Office staff once those above items are uploaded into the IPRC record in Accela. 

Step 2. Drafting

The Contract Management Office staff will send the following to the applicant:

  • CFA draft for review and approval by the developer
  • Invoice for material testing, inspection, and lab fees to be paid
  • Request for the financial guarantee

Step 3. Routing

Once all items above are received, staff will route the CFA electronically for approval and signatures in the following order:

  • Legal approval
  • Consultant approval
  • Developer signature
  • Contract Compliance Specialist signature
  • Contract Compliance Manager signature
  • Legal signature
  • City Manager’s Office signature
  • City Secretary signature
  • Contract number assignment and filing

Step 4. Execution

The Contract Management Office executes the agreement once it has been signed and approved the private parties and City officials listed above.

Step 5. Notice of Completion (i.e. Green Sheet)

Notice of Construction Completion (i.e. Green Sheet) will be routed and executed by the Construction Office after the final inspection of the project. The Developer may be required to pay any outstanding CFA fees before the project can proceed to green sheet.

Step 6. Reconciliation and Close Out

Upon receipt of the Green Sheet(s), Contract Management Office staff will reconcile the final material testing, inspection and lab costs to determine if additional fees are due from the developer, or if a refund is due from the City.

The following items are needed to reconcile the project:

  • Final lien waiver(s) for each contractor that signed the Green Sheet(s). See the final lien waiver template HERE(DOC, 68KB)
  • Payment of any additional fees due (if applicable)
  • Confirmation of the developer’s address for any refunds due (if applicable)
  • Bidder Registration for projects with City Participation

Once the Contract Management Office has received the final lien waiver(s) and additional payment (if applicable), the CFA financial guarantee will be released, refund requests (if applicable) will be submitted, and the project will be closed.



Please contact Development Coordination/Contract Management 

Encroachment Agreement

Encroachment Agreement

Encroachment is when any private physical object projects into the city’s right-of-way and/or city-owned easements. The physical object can include any portion of a building, including an awning or a fence for example. It can also include signs and conduits.

The Development Services director may authorize all encroachments into public Right-of-Way or City-owned easements, with the exception of encroachment requests that fall under the category of “Major Encroachments.”

Major encroachments are defined as building structures on, above, or below public Right-of-Way. Major encroachment requests must go to the City Council for approval.

To apply for an encroachment application, follow the steps below:

Step 1. Download the Appropriate Encroachment Initiation Form

Step 2. Prepare set of Exhibits 

  • Legal metes and bounds in degrees, minutes, and seconds for the encroachment area only
  • Recorded plat or easements recorded as separate instruments
  • Clear outlines for both property and any buildings, structures, and encroachment areas
  • Descriptions of structures included in the project, i.e. fences, sidewalks, signs, buildings
  • Map Legend detailing the symbolic meaning of lines/shapes/points on the map
  • Property address. If the address is not available, cross streets can be used as an approximation
  • Other map elements including scale bar with units, north arrow, inset map showing approximate location

Step 3. Create the encroachment record online and upload completed documents to Accela Citizen 

For help, click here: How to Apply for an Encroachment Record(PDF, 1MB)

  • Contract Management office staff will review the encroachment submittal for completeness.
  • Staff will accept the submittal and invoice the administration fee to be paid online, provided all the completed documents have been uploaded for review.
  • Payment can be made through Accela Citizen using a credit card or ACH, in person using check and credit card, or by mail-in check or money order, payable to the City of Fort Worth. 

For help with payment, click here: How to Pay Online Fees(PDF, 1MB)

  • Once the payment, required exhibits, and documents are received, the encroachment request will be routed for plan review.

Step 4.  Signatures

Once the plan review has been completed, plans have been approved and staff receives the  supporting documentation needed to complete the encroachment agreement, the agreement will be routed for signature and approvals from the following persons:

  • City Attorney
  • Compliance Manager
  • Development Services Director 
  • Development Services Notary
  • City Secretary

Step 5. County Filing

Once the Encroachment Agreement has been executed by City Staff, the Contract Management staff will invoice the recording fees in the Accela record and route the Agreement for recording upon receipt of payment.

The contact person listed on the Encroachment Initiation Form will be notified and will receive an electronic copy of the Agreement after it has been successfully filed with the County.

Still have questions?

Check out the Encroachment FAQ's(PDF, 187KB)


Please contact the Contract Management Office by email: if you have additional questions.

Easements and Vacation by Separate Instrument

Easement Dedications, Abandonments, and Vacations by Separate Instrument 

An easement is a means by which a landowner grants the City the right to use the landowner's property for a specific purpose.
Easements can include Water, Sewer, Storm Drain, Pedestrian Access, Right of Way, Public Access, Emergency Access, Slope, Public Open Space, and more.

Easement Dedications or Vacations can be requested during Infrastructure Plan Review or independently by separate instrument. Same easement types dedicated on the same parcel and under the same owner can be combined onto one (1) request.

To begin the process of Easement Dedication, Vacation, or Abandonment, please contact your City of Fort Worth Project Manager.

To begin the process of Easement Dedication, Vacation, or Abandonment, that is not tied to an Infrastructure Plan Review project, follow the steps below: 

Step 1. Download the Appropriate Initiation Form

Developer Easement Dedication Initiation Form (PDF, 272KB)

Easement Abandonment Initiation Form(PDF, 415KB)

Step 2.Prepare set of Exhibit(s) and supporting documents and provide the following:

  • Easement parcel numbers. Parcels are numbered consecutively, starting with 1
  • City Project Number (CPN) and Project Name (obtained from the City project manager)
  • Grantor’s or authorized signor’s name and mailing address, including county
  • EXHIBITS: “Exhibit A” Legal Description and “Exhibit B” Survey.  It needs to be sealed by a Professional Land Surveyor licensed in the State of Texas for each easement

  • CLOSURE CALCULATIONS REPORT: One set of closure calculations, signed and sealed by a Professional Land Surveyor licensed in the State of Texas.

  • CURRENT VESTING DEED: Recorded deed showing conveyance to Grantor (entity)

  • SIGNATURE AUTHORITY DOCUMENT(S): Any easement executed on behalf of a business entity must include proper signature authority documents. To accept any signature, please provide any bylaws, partnership agreement, amendments, operation agreement, resolutions, consents, or other company agreement, authorizing the person to sign on behalf of the entity; and provide the entity structure and signatory block as necessary for the easement.
     Before submitting the signed easement, please provide a Letter of No Objection (LONO) from the operator/owner of any existing easements that the CFW easement should encroach

  • Other map elements including scale bar with units, north arrow, inset map showing the approximate location 

  • If there is an autoCAD file of the easement area, please email a copy to 

Step 3. Upload the completed documents onto Accela Automation Citizen Access

Step 4. Review 

Once the completed submittal package is received, along with the application fee payment, the submittal will be routed for review. The Land Agent will draft the grant of easement or easement abandonment, and send it to the applicant/Property Owner for review. If there are proposed changes, the two parties will negotiate on an acceptable language before the easement agreement is routed for execution.  

Step 5. Execution and Recording

Once the easement agreement has been executed, staff will provide the applicant an invoice of the county recording fees. These fees must be paid before recordation. 


For additional information, please contact:   

Stormwater Facility Maintenance Agreement (SWFMA)

Stormwater Facility Maintenance Agreement (SWFMA)

A Stormwater Facility Maintenance Agreement (SWFMA) is an agreement between the City and a private property owner that establishes mutual responsibilities for maintenance of the stormwater management infrastructure associated with a particular site development.

To apply for a SWFMA, follow the steps below:

Step 1. Download the appropriate Initiation Form

SWFMA Initiation Form(PDF, 316KB)For new facility or amendment to an existing facility

SWFMA Termination Form(PDF, 219KB) - When terminating an existing agreement

SWFMA Engineering Checklist(PDF, 1MB) -  For help with putting together the agreement exhibits 

SWFMA Submittal Instruction(PDF, 1MB) - For help with submitting a new application 

Step 2. Prepare set of exhibits

  • Signed and sealed Surveyor’s drawing, showing legal description and metes and bounds of the maintenance area
  • Relevant plat information including City lot, block, and parcel numbers corresponding to the development 
  • Design Plan and specification showing the design calculations, schematic plans in accordance with the approved construction plan
  • Operations and Maintenance Plan (O&M). The project may also use the City’s Standard O&M Plan(DOC, 44KB)
  • Annual Inspection Checklist. The project may also use the City’s Standard Annual Inspection Checklist(DOC, 67KB)
  • Map Legend detailing the symbolic meaning of lines/shapes/points on the map
  • Other Map Elements including scale bar with units, north arrow, inset map showing approximate location

Step 3. Submit the Submittal Package

Submit the initiation form and the set of exhibits to the Contract Management Office using the Accela Citizen portal. An application fee payment in the amount of $714.37 will be required prior to the submittal acceptance. Staff will review the submittal for completeness then route the submittal for review.

Once the exhibits are approved, submit the supporting documentation as stated in the Initiation Form so staff could prepare the draft agreement.

Step 4. Drafting of the Agreement

Staff will draft the agreement and send it to the consultant/applicant for review. If there are proposed changes, the City and the Developer will negotiate on an acceptable language. Once the language has been accepted, Developer to sign and notarize the agreement before it can be circulated for City signatures via Adobe Sign.

Step 5. Signatures

The Agreement will be routed for signatures and approvals from the following City Staff:

  • City Attorney
  • Compliance Manager
  • Assistant City Manager
  • Development Services Notary
  • City Secretary

Step 6. County Filing

Once the SWFMA has been executed, staff will route the Agreement for recording.

The recording fee payment will be required prior to recordation. 

The contact person listed on the Initiation Form will be notified and will receive an electronic copy of the Agreement after it has been successfully filed with the county.


Please contact the Contract Management Office by email: if you have additional questions.


Stormwater Engineering and Design Questions:

Please contact the Stormwater Management Team at if you have any questions.   

Maintenance Agreement

Maintenance Agreement for Non-Standard Public Items

A Maintenance Agreement is required for publicly owned items that the City is requiring to be installed, but the items will be maintained by a private entity because the private entity wants to install something that is non-standard.

To apply for a maintenance agreement, follow the steps below:

Step 1. Download the Appropriate Initiation Form

Download the Maintenance Agreement Initiation Form(PDF, 187KB) (Submitting a new application)

Download the Maintenance Agreement Amendment Form(PDF, 202KB) (Amending an existing agreement)

Step 2. Prepare set of Exhibits 

  • Legal metes and bounds for the maintenance area only
  • Relevant plat information including City lot, block and parcel numbers corresponding to the development 
  • Clear outlines for both property and any buildings, structures, and maintenance areas
  • Descriptions of facilities or structures included in the project, i.e. sidewalks, tree wells, or bicycle racks
  • Map Legend detailing the symbolic meaning of lines/shapes/points on the map
  • Other Map Elements including scale bar with units, north arrow, inset map showing approximate location

Step 3. Submit the Submittal Package

Submit the initiation form and the set of exhibits to the Contract Management Office. Staff will review the submittal for completeness, then set up the Maintenance Application Record on Accela and route the submittal for review.

Once the exhibits are approved, submit the supporting documentation as stated in the Initiation Form so staff could prepare the draft agreement.

Step 4. Drafting of the Agreement

Staff will draft the agreement and send it to the consultant/applicant for review.

If there are proposed changes, both the City and Developer will negotiate the acceptable language. Once completed, the Developer will need to sign and notarize the agreement before it can be circulated for City signatures via Adobe Sign.

Step 5. Signatures

The Agreement will be routed for signatures and approvals from the following City Staff:

  • City Attorney
  • Compliance Manager
  • Assistant City Manager
  • Development Services Notary
  • City Secretary

Step 6. County Filing

Once the Maintenance Agreement has been executed, staff will route the Agreement for recording.

The recording fee payment will be required prior to recordation.

The contact person listed on the Initiation Form will be notified and will receive an electronic copy of the Agreement after it has been successfully filed with the county.


Please contact the Contract Management Office by email at if you have any questions.

Unified Sign Agreement (USA)

Unified Sign Agreement (USA)

A Unified Sign Agreement is an agreement signed by the property owner and City providing the property owner authorization of the placement of multi-tenant directory signs on a commercial or industrial site.

To apply for a Unified Sign Agreement, follow the steps below:

Step 1. Download and Complete the Application Form

Download the USA Application Form(PDF, 186KB).

Click here(PDF, 167KB) to see the USA process.

Step 2. Prepare set of Exhibits showing:

  • Lot layout showing dimensions of all lots and ROW relative to the proposed Unified Sign Agreement;
  • Zoning destination;
  • All existing and proposed signs;
  • Spacing between all new and retained signs (300-foot minimum);
  • Dimensioned drawing of each new and retained sign showing allocation of text area by tenant;
  • Parking areas and on-site circulation;
  • Setbacks from property lines and ROW lines.

Step 3. Submit the Submittal Package

Email the completed application form and the set of exhibits to the Contract Management Office at

An application and administrative fee payment in the amount of $1,687.50 is required before the submittal package can be routed for review. Staff will email the application invoice to the applicant on file.

Staff will review the submittal for completeness, then set up the USA application record on Accela and route the submittal for review.

Once the exhibits are approved, submit the supporting documentation as stated in the Application Form so staff can prepare the draft agreement.

Step 4. Drafting of the Agreement

Staff will draft the agreement and send it to the consultant/applicant for review. If there are proposed changes, the City and the Applicant will negotiate on an acceptable language. Once the language has been accepted, the Application to sign and notarize the agreement before it can be circulated for City signatures via Adobe Sign.

Step 5. Signatures

The Agreement will be routed for signatures and approvals from the following City Staff:

  • City Attorney
  • Compliance Manager
  • Director of Development Services
  • Development Services Notary
  • City Secretary

Step 6. County Filing

Once the Unified Sign Agreement has been executed by City Staff, the Contract Management staff will invoice the recording fees in Accela and route the Agreement for recording upon receipt of payment.

The recording fee is based on the number of pages in the contract and the recording County.

The contact person listed on the Application Form will be notified and will receive an electronic copy of the Agreement after it has been successfully filed with the County.


Please contact the Contract Management Office by email: if you have additional questions.