Development Process Charts

To help provide clear and concise guidelines for business, civic and neighborhood groups to develop the property, the Development Services Department's Project Facilitation team has produced a series of development process flow charts.
These flow charts help illustrate the development process and offer a more in-depth look at how each individual process works. 




Master Development Process Chart

Master Process Chart


Individual Development Process Charts


Pre-Development Information

Neighborhood Empowerment Zones Process Chart(PDF, 258KB) 


Pre-Development Conference (PDC) Process Chart(PDF, 131KB)


Pre-Development Conferences are generally scheduled in ½ hour increments and are held twice weekly. Monday conferences are scheduled between 1 and 3 p.m., and Thursday meetings are held between 9 a.m. and noon.

Pre-Development Conferences with city staff are offered for applicants to learn more about city development policies and procedures and to address site specific issues.

These meetings are meant to be a “discovery” type meeting designed to help developers in their project due diligence. These meetings cannot be serve as a comprehensive questions and answer sessions; rather they are useful in uncovering potential issues, are a good platform to create a common understanding amongst all city departments, and help to streamline the development process.

Representatives from development related city departments such as Transportation & Public Works, Water, Planning & Development and Fire are present to evaluate the project to aid the developer in their project planning.


The following items will be discussed as requested at the Pre-Development Conference:

  • Zoning
  • Platting
  • Fire Code
  • Roadway Improvements
  • Drainage Improvements
  • Parks
  • Water and Sewer
  • Building Code Issues
  • Urban Forestry Permits

Zoning Change

Zoning Change Typical Process

Zoning Changes Process Chart(PDF, 239KB)
Every proposal to change the regulations of the zoning ordinance or the boundaries of a zoning district must be presented to the Zoning Commission and approved by City Council, with a total of two public hearings. To initiate this process, an application is filed with the Development Services Department and payment is made of the appropriate filing fee. The application is made by the owner of the property or an authorized agent, or may be initiated by the City of Fort Worth.

Before land in the city of Fort Worth can be developed, it must be properly zoned and platted. Land outside the city limits but within the city’s extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ) is subject to platting, but not to zoning.

The public hearings for Zoning cases are typically scheduled for the Council meeting held on the first Tuesday of the month at 7 p.m. Some cases may request an for alternate Council hearing date. These dates are provided on the notification and the Zoning Commission agenda.

The scheduled dates for continued cases are announced at the Zoning Commission or City Council at the time of continuance. A fee is charged for cases continued by the applicant.  Visit the Zoning website for more information.

Application & Fees

Please note the Following Requirements:

A. Persons filing an application to amend the zoning ordinance must be fully prepared to present their proposal at the Zoning Commission and City Council public hearings.

B. An application denied by the City Council cannot be accepted as a new request until one year from the date the original application was denied.

Processing & Notifications

  • 1st Public Hearing
  • 2nd public hearing 

Waivers for Urban Forestry and Zoning Special Districts

Urban Forestry Typical Process

Urban Forestry Process Chart(PDF, 133KB)

Protection and preservation of a portion of the existing trees on each site helps to achieve a multi-aged urban forest and maintain ecological balance. Urban Forestry ordinance.

Zoning Special District Typical Process

Zoning Special District Process Chart(PDF, 129KB) 



Platting Process Chart(PDF, 449KB)
A plat is a map of a piece of land identifying the location and boundaries of street rights-of-way, individual lots or parcels, and other site information. The plat shows features such as lot lines, utility easements, setback lines, land dedicated for public use (e.g. streets and parks), ownership, and metes and bounds (boundary dimensions). Texas Local Government Code, Chapter 212, contains the state law governing the approval of plats.

The Subdivision Ordinance is Chapter 31 in the City Code. The City Code can be found on this page by scrolling to the very bottom of this page and clicking on "City Code & Charter." For additional information regarding platting in the City of Fort Worth please email the platting team, or call 817-392-8027.

What are the Categories of Plats?

The plats necessary for a project depend on the project itself and the stage of development.

  • Concept Plan (Not Recorded)
  • Preliminary Plat (Not Recorded)
  • Final Plat
  • Minor Plat (Short Form Final Plat)
  • Replat
  • Amending Plat
  • Correction Plat
  • Conveyance Plat
  • Vacated Plat

IPRC, CFA, and Construction

Infrastructure Plan Review Center (IPRC)

The Infrastructure Plan Review Center (IPRC) is responsible for the consultation, intake and review of public infrastructure plans that will be constructed pursuant to a CFA or other agreement between the City and a Developer. IPRC reviews construction plans, CFA exhibits, Project Manuals, easement exhibits, and other documents relating to a project. The IPRC also assists with reviewing and processing permits and agreements, assists with public bidding when there is City Participation in a project, coordinating construction issues, reviews plan revisions, and processes change orders during construction.” Please visit our webpage here
IPRC Process Chart(PDF, 272KB)

Community Facilities Agreement (CFA) Typical Process

Off Sites Easements Process Chart(PDF, 246KB)
Encroachment Process Chart(PDF, 304KB)
Community Facilities Agreement (CFA) Process Chart   (PDF, 257KB)

A community facilities agreement (CFA) is a contract between the city and a developer that is required whenever the construction of public infrastructure is funded entirely or in part by a private developer. It ensures that new development is adequately served by public infrastructure and that the infrastructure improvements are constructed according to city standards. For more information, visit the CFA website.

Construction/Green Sheet Process

Greensheets Process Chart(PDF, 217KB)



Grading Permit Typical Process

Floodplain Process Chart(PDF, 185KB)
Grading Process Chart(PDF, 206KB)

Stormwater Process Chart (PDF, 186KB)  

A Grading Permit is required for land disturbing activity impacting one (1.0) acre or more, or land disturbing activity less than one (1.0) acre that is part of a Common Plan of Development that equals one (1.0) acre or more. Visit the Grading Permit website for more information.

Zoning Variance or Special Exception

Zoning Variance or Special Exception

BOA Process Chart(PDF, 236KB) 

The Board of Adjustment is responsible for the hearing and deciding of appeals to the Zoning Ordinance and applications listed below, and has the necessary authority to ensure compliance. Due to case load, the cases are divided into Residential and Commercial (non-residential) boards.

Filing Fees

  • Residential (Owner-Occupied) Variance $300.00*
  • Non-Residential Variance $500.00*
  • Residential (Owner-Occupied) Special Exception $500.00*
  • Non-Residential Special Exception $1,000.00*
  • Interpretations $400.00

Visit the Variance website for more information.

Building Permits

Building Permits Typical Process

Building Permit Process Chart(PDF, 88KB)
Construction & Fire Prevention Process Chart(PDF, 236KB)
Grease Trap Process Chart(PDF, 164KB)


Permits are the means by which the City of Fort Worth regulates construction. There are several different types of permits, based on the type of construction: building, plumbing, mechanical, and electrical.  In addition, the complete demolition and relocation of buildings also requires permits. Visit the Permit webpage for more information.


Inspections Typical Process

Inspections Process Chart(PDF, 425KB)

An inspection is required for all construction or work for which a permit is required and shall be subject to inspection by the building official and all such construction or work shall remain accessible and exposed for inspection purposes until approved by the building official. For more information, visit the Inspection website.

Limited Certificate of Occupancy (LCO) Typical Process

Water Miscellaneous

Water Department's Miscellaneous Typical Process

Water Miscellaneous Process Chart(PDF, 173KB)

The City's Water Department offers an in-house option for designing and constructing water or wastewater infrastructure through the miscellaneous contract process. This process is included in the City's Installation Policy and Design Criteria for Water, Wastewater, and Reclaimed Water Infrastructure. This ensures that the City's infrastructure is designed and constructed according to established guidelines and standards.

Certificate of Occupancy CO

Certificate of Occupancy Change of Use Process Chart(PDF, 180KB)

If the proposed business is a different type of business than what currently operates in the space, then a new Certificate of Occupancy (CO) is needed to legally operate the business within the City of Fort Worth. A change of use permit can be applied for with or without associated remodeling. Once the permit is issued and all necessary inspections are finalized, a Certificate of Occupancy will be issued.