Woodhaven Conservation Plan


The City of Fort Worth and Mayor Pro Tem Bivens are working closely with the board of the Woodhaven Tax Increment Finance District (TIF 13) to launch a Neighborhood Conservation Plan for the area.

This plan will chart a long-term course for continued investment in the Woodhaven neighborhood, while also creating a unified vision and identify shared priorities for the future of the community.

The project began in March 2024, and a draft plan is expected by the end of the year.

The City of Fort Worth's Economic Development Department has engaged a consultant team led by Interface Studio, The Collaborative Fort Worth, and Ninigret Partners to develop the plan, informed by extensive research and robust community engagement. Additionally, this team is working hand-in-hand with the Woodhaven Neighborhood Association and Woodhaven Community Development on this strategy.

The City invites and encourages community engagement throughout this planning process, and there will be multiple opportunities to get involved and make your voice heard in the future of the Woodhaven community.



    Get involved

  • Take the Community Survey 

    Tell us what you love about the Woodhaven Neighborhood and want to preserve, as well as what challenges you face. The results will inform the final Woodhaven Neighborhood Conservation Plan.

    Take the survey now                 

    Download the flier(PDF, 222KB)


  • Become a Neighborhood Connector and get paid to help your neighbors get involved in the planning process. 

    The City and its partners are looking for a few Woodhaven residents to support the community engagement process. Please contact the Interface team if you:
    • Are outgoing and friendly
    • Like working on community projects
    • Have time to help distribute and collect survey responses and encourage your neighbors to attend plan events
    • Would like to earn a stipend in exchange for your time


Project timeline

  • January 2024: Funding for the plan approved by TIF 13
  • March: Introductory meeting at the Woodhaven Neighborhood Association
  • Phase I (March-June): 
    • Advisory Committee applications and project kick-off
    • Initial tour and area assessment
    • Data collection, research, and analysis of existing conditions
  • June 26, 2024: Community kick-off and visioning event at the Woodhaven Neighborhood Festival and Conservation Plan Party
  • Phase II (July-September):
    • Synthesize community input from visioning event
    • Develop draft goals and recommendations with continued input from the advisory committee
  • September (Date TBD): Second community event to invite feedback on the preliminary recommendations
  • October - November: Integrate community feedback, develop a phasing and implementation strategy
  • December 2024: Draft and finalize the Neighborhood Conservation Plan

For more details, connect with the Woodhaven Neighborhood Association or contact Lindsay Mesa, the City's Revitalization Coordinator.