The Business Smart – Waste Reduction and Recycling certification is available to businesses located in Fort Worth and is valid for two years. There is no charge for becoming Business Smart – Waste Reduction and Recycling certified.
Prerequisites: A business seeking Business Smart – Waste Reduction and Recycling certification must recycle at a minimum 3 of the following materials: paper, plastics, glass, aluminum cans, tin, construction and demolition materials, cardboard, ink cartridges, batteries, paint, and lightbulbs. Source separated or single stream systems are eligible. Businesses that divert organic materials for composting also qualify for certification.
Additionally, businesses must provide the City of Fort Worth twice per year with reports on the estimated or actual percentage of waste is been diverted from the City’s landfill, if able to obtain this information.
There are three levels of Business Smart – Waste Reduction and Recycling certification: bronze, silver, and gold which can be achieved on the basis of how many recycling practices a business has in place. The more recycling practices in place, the more points a business earns towards the Business Smart – Waste Reduction and Recycling certification, the higher the level of certification it achieves, and the greater the rewards it receives.
A maximum 110 points can be obtained based on the waste reduction and recycling practices a business deploys.