Asbestos Abatement
The City of Fort Worth owns and operates many buildings old enough to still have asbestos-containing materials. While all asbestos-containing materials that once posed a threat to public and employee health have been removed, ongoing building maintenance and modifications require assessing any possible risk from asbestos and abating that risk if necessary.
City-Generated Hazardous Waste Management
The Land Quality section is responsible for ensuring the City of Fort Worth continues to comply with state and federal environmental regulations, including those governing hazardous waste. Although the City strives to minimize the amount of hazardous waste it generates, necessary city operations like water and wastewater treatment, emergency response and fleet maintenance produce some amount of hazardous wastes or wastes requiring special handling and the Land Quality section manages those wastes.
Petroleum Storage Tank Management
The City owns and operates dozens of petroleum storage tanks (PSTs) in order fuel its many vehicles. PSTs are subject to state oversight and the Land Quality section helps make sure the tanks are in compliance.
Spill Response
Several city departments and divisions respond to vehicle accidents that result in leaking materials that are harmful to the environment. Land Quality collects and manages the hazardous materials generated by spills.
Tier II Reporting Community Right-to-Know
The Emergency Planning and Community Right to Know Act (EPCRA) established citizens' right to know what types of hazardous substances are being stored and used in their communities. Additionally, this information is used by state and local governments for emergency response plans. The Land Quality section coordinates and submits the City's Tier II report to the state, which is required under EPCRA..