Multi-Sector General Permit Coverage

If your industrial activity is described in the list requiring permit coverage, and your facility discharges stormwater associated with industrial activity directly to water in the state or into gutters, streets, channels, ditches, or other storm water conveyances that are part of a MS4, permit coverage is required.

To obtain industrial stormwater permit coverage, you must review your facility's compliance history, read the Multi-Sector General Permit (MSGP), prepare a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) for your facility, and submit a Notice of Intent (NOI) to the TCEQ.

MSGP and NOI Forms and Application Information »

The TCEQ Small Business and Local Government Assistance Program has developed a number of tools for assisting facilities in obtaining stormwater permit coverage and compliance with the permit requirements. These tools include a series of worksheets to aide in developing a SWPPP, monitoring requirement summaries, NOI application resources and sampling guides.

Stormwater Program Compliance Tools »

After submitting your NOI application to the TCEQ, you are required to submit a copy of the NOI application to the City of Fort Worth as the MS4 Operator within the city limits. No fees are charged by the City of Fort Worth and no payments should be sent to the City of Fort Worth. All permit application fees are payable to the TCEQ as identified in the application instructions.

If you completed your NOI application online via STEERS, you can retrieve a copy of your completed form by following the directions in the document below.

Access your Application in STEERS »(PDF, 326KB)

You have three options for submitting a copy of your NOI application to the City of Fort Worth:

Fax: 817-392-6359
Attn: Industrial Stormwater Program


Att: Industrial Stormwater Program
Environmental Services Department - Environmental Management
200 Texas St.
Fort Worth, Texas 76102
