Are you the operator of a facility that is required by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to have permit authorization to discharge stormwater from your facility?
Environmental Quality is responsible for ensuring that industrial facilities in the City of Fort Worth have, and are in compliance with all required stormwater discharge permits and regulations. Environmental Quality also has the authority to enforce the requirements of the TCEQ and EPA stormwater permits for all industries within the City of Fort Worth.
Stormwater is primarily the accumulation and runoff of rain water. As stormwater flows, it can collect contaminates such as sediments, toxics, chemicals, and nutrients from all kinds of sources including industrial facilities. These contaminants, when discharged untreated through the municipal separate storm sewer system (MS4) to our lakes, rivers, and streams, can harm the quality of the water and the health of plants and animals that live in it.
Multi-Sector General Permit
To regulate stormwater runoff from industrial facilities, stormwater permit coverage requirements have been established by the EPA and the TCEQ and are determined by a facility’s Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) code. If you have a NAICS code but no SIC code that describes your industrial activity, it will be necessary to convert the NAICS code to an SIC code to determine if coverage under this permit applies to your facility.
More information on which industries require stormwater permit coverage is available at:
The most recent TPDES Multi-Sector General Permit (MSGP) for stormwater discharges associated with industrial activity became effective on Aug. 14, 2021. This five-year permit will expire in August 2026.
If your industrial activity is described by one of the required SIC codes, you MUST have permit coverage.
If all industrial activities and materials are performed and contained inside a building or under a storm-resistant shelter, and are isolated from rain, snow, snowmelt, and runoff, you may be eligible for a conditional No Exposure Exclusion from permit requirements.
If you store materials or perform any processes outside, you must obtain coverage according to the MSGP which includes completing a Notice of Intent (NOI) to obtain permit coverage.
Most industrial facilities within the City of Fort Worth that require stormwater permitting apply for coverage under the MSGP. Other permitting options include individual permits as well as other industry specific water quality general permits.
Industrial Stormwater Permit Workshop Now Online
The City of Fort Worth Environmental Quality Division conducted an Industrial Stormwater Permit Workshop. In this workshop, the Industrial Stormwater team provides an overview of the TPDES Multi-Sector General Permit (MSGP) renewal and Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) requirements.
Original workshop was held on September 2, 2021 and is now available online.
View the Workshop
Industrial Inspections
As a regulatory agency, the City of Fort Worth has the authority to ensure compliance with by all industries with the terms of stormwater permits within its jurisdiction. The Industrial Inspection Guide provides information on the city’s role in industrial stormwater permit compliance.
For additional assistance or more information contact:
City of Fort Worth Environmental Services Department
Environmental Quality Division
Phone: 817-392-6083
Email: industrialstormwater@fortworthtexas.gov
TCEQ Stormwater Information and Assistance
Phone: 512-239-4671
Website: www.tceq.texas.gov/permitting/stormwater
Email: swgp@tceq.texas.gov
TCEQ Small Business Assistance Program
Phone: 1-800-447-2827
Website: www.texasenvirohelp.org
Email: sbap@tceq.texas.gov
Download a City of Fort Worth Inspection Guide.(PDF, 107KB)