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Photos and statistics courtesy of Clearwater Mills LLC. (2013) Clearwater Mills Sustainable Environmental Technologies.
The Trinity River Waterwheel Initiative is currently subject to funding availability. The design of the waterwheel is complete. Future construction may advance, when full project funding has been secured.
The City of Fort Worth is still accepting donations for the Trinity River Waterwheel Initiative.
Become part of the litter solution with the Waterwheel initiative for a cleaner Trinity River.
Thank you to those who continue to support the Trinity River Waterwheel Initiative!
501(c)(3) Non-profit Organization (817) 926-0006
City of Fort Worth (817) 392-2046
Note: If donating with an American Express credit card, please contact our payment center at (817) 392-7255.
The City of Fort Worth is home to over 100 miles of trails along the beautiful Trinity River and its tributaries.
A waterwheel is planned to be a new resource in Fort Worth, making a positive impact on being a sustainable and environmentally-friendly community. Everyone wants access to clean water and the ability to enjoy recreational activities without coming into contact with trash or stormwater pollution. Waterwheels are a gigantic solution to cleaner waterways.
It couldn’t be any simpler but the results are astonishing when it comes to cleaning tons of trash pollution from waterways in a short period of time.
A waterwheel is a pollution-control, wheel-based machine that is placed in flowing waterways to collect and remove floatable pollution.
The waterwheel and an attached conveyer belt is mounted on a floating platform. Containment booms funnel floating trash and debris to a conveyer. The waterwheel, powered by energy from the river current and solar-powered pumps, works the conveyer to lift trash and deposit them into a detachable dumpster. The dumpster is then hauled by a service vessel to a transfer point for disposal.
The entire structure is covered to protect the equipment and prevent trash from being blown by the wind. It also houses the photovoltaic (solar) panels. The entire waterwheel measures approximately 52' long x 24' wide with a 14' diameter x 3' wide wheel.
Help protect the water quality in the Trinity River which:
Check out our sponsorship page for a full list of donors who are already supporting the Trinity River Waterwheel Initiative!
Donations up to $1,000
Thank you letter
Invitation to the groundbreaking ceremony with name listed on printed event program
Invitation to the opening ceremony with name listed on printed event program
Name listed on the Keep Fort Worth Beautiful website
Donations of $1,000-$4,999
Signature Donor level plus:
Logo on the KFWB website
Logo on groundbreaking ceremony program
Logo on opening ceremony program
Donations of $5,000-$9,999
Bronze Donor level plus:
Donor gift
Logo on opening ceremony banner
Donations of $10,000-$49,999
Silver Donor level plus:
Booth at opening ceremony
Quarterly metrics update
Donations of $50,000-$99,999
Gold Donor level plus:
Excerpt about company/organization on the KFWB website
Photo opportunity with shovel at groundbreaking ceremony
Logo on wheel signage
Personal tour of waterwheel with KFWB board members
Donations of $100,000-$400,000
Platinum Donor level plus:
Branded quarterly metrics media pack for two years
Branded placard on ground-level site marker
Opportunity to speak at media events
Donations over $400,000
Diamond Donor level plus:
Branding on the waterwheel
For more than 90 years, TRWD has improved the quality of life in the communities by providing a reliable and sustainable water supply, vital flood protection and an outstanding variety of recreational opportunities.
A Fort Worth non-profit organization dedicated to saving, sharing and celebrating the Trinity River.
A site has been selected on the Trinity River near the Purcey Street Outfall.
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Help support the Waterwheel initiative and other Keep Fort Worth Beautiful programs through donations.
Donate Today!
Find out more about Watergoats in Fort Worth, a Public-Private Partnership to Combat Floatable Litter.
Email KFWB
Phone: 817-392-2046
Click image below to see Baltimore's Waterwheel in action.