Thank you to all our sponsors for your generous support!
The following organizations and individual's contributions towards the Trinity River Waterwheels Initiative will enable the City of Fort Worth to continue its effort to educate residents on the litter problem and improve water quality.

Donations of $100,000-$400,000


Donations of $50,000-$99,999


Donations of $10,000-$49,999

Leggett & Platt

Donations of $5,000-$9,999

Fort Worth City Credit Union

Donations of $1,000-$4,999

Keep Texas Beautiful

Plummer Associates, Inc.

Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc.

Eagle Contracting LLC

Terracon Consultants, Inc.

Donations up to $1,000
Ben Eppstein
Elizabeth Jones
Darrel and Vicki Andrews
Lauren Brandow
Jerry Thompson
Brian Eaton
Jenny Stewart
Cesar Barrera
Frances Burns
Robert Bartosh
DuBose Family Foundation
Kathlynn Stone
Mark & Mary Boone
Melissa Schaefer |
Aleta Leon
Michele Martinez
Taylor Winters
Namoo Han
Andrew Raffaele
Chris Steuart
Karen Yanes
Felecia & Brian Eaton |
Margaret DeMoss |
Judy Harman |
Shiv Vekatasetty |
Wanda Strappazon
Sponsorship Levels
Signature Donor
Donations up to $1,000
Thank you letter
Invitation to the groundbreaking ceremony with name listed on printed event program
Invitation to the opening ceremony with name listed on printed event program
Name listed on the Keep Fort Worth Beautiful website
Bronze Donor
Donations of $1,000-$4,999
Signature Donor level plus:
Silver Donor
Donations of $5,000-$9,999
Bronze Donor level plus:
Gold Donor
Donations of $10,000-$49,999
Silver Donor level plus:
Platinum Donor
Donations of $50,000-$99,999
Gold Donor level plus:
Excerpt about company/organization on the KFWB website
Photo opportunity with shovel at groundbreaking ceremony
Logo on wheel signage
Personal tour of waterwheel with KFWB board members
Diamond Donor
Donations of $100,000-$400,000
Platinum Donor level plus:
Branded quarterly metrics media pack for two years
Branded placard on ground-level site marker
Opportunity to speak at media events
Title Sponsor Donor
Donations over $400,000
Diamond Donor level plus:
Ways to Donate

Donate to the Waterwheel
Become part of the litter solution with the Waterwheel initiative for a cleaner Trinity River. There are three, easy ways to donate.
Keep Fort Worth Beautiful
100% of the donations to Keep Fort Worth Beautiful go toward the Trinity River Waterwheel Initiative. All donations are tax deductible.
Donate Online
Online donations are made through a secure site.
Streams & Valleys
Streams & Valleys is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Donations are tax deductible.
Learn more about Streams & Valleys.
Donate to S & V
Or, connect to a staff member at 817-926-0006.

For more than 90 years, TRWD has improved the quality of life in the communities by providing a reliable and sustainable water supply, vital flood protection and an outstanding variety of recreational opportunities.
A Fort Worth non-profit organization dedicated to saving, sharing and celebrating the Trinity River.