School Green Team of the Year


Fossil Hill Middle School

Home of the Wildcats 

Fossil Hill Middle School is the 2019-2020 School Green Team of the Year. These Wildcats participated in .... Over the school year, these Wildcats collected over ... bags of trash from .... cleanup events. 


Take the School Green Teams Challenge

Show off your school's efforts to make your campus green! Keep Fort Worth Beautiful will recognize one hard-working school each year as the KFWB School Green Team of the Year. 

What is the prize?

The winning school will receive a tree to be planted on campus and a School Green Team of the Year banner. The winning school will be recognized on the KFWB website and social media pages. A KFWB prize pack will also be awarded to the Green Team students (up to 75 students)

What are the requirements?

In order to be eligible:

  1. Your school must complete 6 of 10 School Green Team activities or earn at least 500 cumulative points.
  2. Your school and/or students must track and report your activities on the Better Impact page. 

Track your progress

View the full list of School Green Teams activities.