The City of Fort Worth invites the submission of Statements of Qualifications (SOQs) from qualified project management firms interested in providing programming services and various studies regarding the relocation of City Hall offices and services to an existing office tower and the best use of existing downtown facilities.
SCOPE OF SERVICES DESIRED: Programming services are intended to primarily address the issues associated with the relocation of City Hall offices to a new office tower. Issues to address include:
• Work directly with the City’s Steering Committee, subcommittees, and the City’s internal Project Manager for this project
• Define best practices with regards to the use and configuration of modern offices • Address work space flexibility, including shared space and changing needs over time • Conduct a visioning study for the ideal delivery of services from a new city hall
• Determine current and future IT, technology and communication needs
• Gather and validate information from City staff
• Determine the best option for constructing Council Chambers
• Determine the best use of various floor levels
• Determine which departments and divisions move to the new office tower
• Define desired adjacencies of various functions
• Make recommendations for physical security issues
• Make recommendations for parking and transportation issues
• Provide budget and estimating services for construction/renovation, relocation, and building operation, to include service and operating contracts
• Determine sequence of construction and phasing of the office moves
In addition, more general programming shall be provided to address the best use of the existing city hall and associated annex buildings and other City department facilities. This will be done with an emphasis on serving the public, reuse of City owned facilities, eliminating leases, and possibly selling excess property.
The project manager will assist the City with the selection of an architectural firm to design required additions and modifications to the existing office tower.
The project manager will assist the City with the selection of a delivery method and selection of a construction contractor to affect the required additions and modifications to the existing office tower.
Provide owner representation during the design and construction phases of to the office tower.
The statement of qualifications and project management process should be mindful of the following guiding themes for the new city hall:
• Promote civic engagement, interdepartmental collaboration, innovation, and transparency
• Be adaptable and sustainable for the next 50 years • Consider both the public experience and employee experience
• Reflect the City’s values:
o Exceptional Customer Experience
o Accountability
o Ethical Behavior o Diversity
o Mutual Respect
o Continuous Improvement
STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS FORMAT: The professional services of design teams will be based on the AIA Standard Form 330 (Architect-Engineer Qualification) and should include information on city hall and related projects, proposed staff and consultants and their qualifications, and client references with names, titles, telephone numbers, project names, and other pertinent data. The SOQ is limited to 36 pages total. Cover letters will not count as part of the page count.
DESCRIPTION OF EVALUATION PROCESS: A selection team consisting of members from the City Manager’s Office and various City departments will review and evaluate the written responses to the Request for Qualifications (RFQ). The evaluation criteria will include the following:
• Expertise in long term planning
• Expertise in municipal or institutional programming
• Experience with municipal, institutional and/or corporate headquarters planning
• Experience with projects of similar scale and complexity
• Description of your firm’s approach to this project
• Description of tools and techniques to be used
• Firm history and experience
• Resumes and experience of key staff.
The team will select qualified project management firms to proceed to the interview stage of the evaluation process. During the interviews, teams are expected to expand on the information provided in the SOQ as it relates to the preceding evaluation criteria. Teams should be prepared to present relevant case studies demonstrating their process and abilities.
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: on January 7, 2021, at 10:00 AM, there will be an online pre-submission meeting to review the project and take questions. This is not a mandatory meeting. This RFQ, details on the online pre-submission meeting, and other related document are posted on the City’s website and can be accessed at the following link:
SUBMISSIONS: One electronic copy and seven hard copies of the SOQs must be received by Facilities Division of the Property Management Department, City of Fort Worth located at 401 West 13th Street, Fort Worth, Texas 76102. The SOQs must be received not later than 5:00 PM on Thursday, January 28, 2021.
For questions, contact Brian Glass, AIA, Architectural Services Manager, at email address Brian.Glass@FortWorthTexas.Gov
Fort Worth City Hall Relocation Project Manager RFQ Pre-Submission Meeting
On January 7, 2021, at 10:00 AM, there will be an online pre-submission meeting to review the project and take questions. This is not a mandatory meeting. The meeting will be held by WebEx and you may use the following link to register:
Access/ Event Code: 126 858 0022
The meeting will review the RFQ, provide some insight into the anticipated scope of work, and take questions. The presentations shown during this meeting, a list of registered attendees, and answers to questions will be provided in an addendum and posted to the City’s BIM360 website at: