This is a one-step CMAR solicitation process. The proposal shall contain all information as called for in the Request for Proposal. Based on the information contained in the proposals and potential interviews, the City will evaluate and select a proposer that provides the best value to the City.
The project consists of the reconstruction and widening of 1.01 miles of Ray White Road from Mirage Drive to the bridge over Bear Creek. The proposed roadway will be a 4-lane divided roadway with a center median turn lane. The project includes construction of 6’ sidewalks and 10’ shared use paths, curb ramps, traffic signal, roundabout, and streetlights. A new traffic signal will be located at the intersection of Ray White Road and Wall Price Keller Road. The project also includes construction of an enclosed drainage system. The existing single lane roundabout at Ray White Road and Wyndrook Street will be completely reconstructed as a double lane roundabout. The project will be performed within existing City right-of-way; however, additional right-of-way will be required and obtained between Wall Price Keller Road and Hilcroft Road and at the intersection Ray White Road and Wyndrook Street.