The City of Fort Worth is seeking consultant services to develop a comprehensive multimodal implementation plan to further develop projects along the Berry Street corridor from IH-35W to Lake Arlington. The study will progress in four stages as follows:
- Public and stakeholder outreach will be an inclusive approach to gain the perspective of area residents, businesses and other entities or specific groups.
- Discovery, Existing/Baseline Conditions, and Needs Assessment will be done by the consultant to collect any data necessary to evaluate existing transportation, land use, market and environmental conditions within the project study limits.
- Corridor Concept Plan shall identify relevant cross-section, projects and policies to maximize the corridor’s economic and functional performance, multi-modal transportation network, smart cities infrastructure, and supportive land uses.
- Recommendations, Implementation Strategies, Phasing and Final Plan shall create short-term, medium-term and long-term projects, and policy recommendations that are tailored to the needs of the study area.
Work is to begin in the fall of 2022, upon the execution of a Notice to Proceed from the City; and is expected to take 12 months. City of Fort Worth has established a budget for the requested services not to exceed $700,000. The deliverables for the East Berry Street Corridor Plan will include: planning level cross sections, right-of-way and utility needs, catalytic site proforma, pre-engineering, smart technology integration and fiber-readiness, and form-based codes. Strategies in the final plan shall consider future cross-sections, access management, multi-modal transportation elements, safety and operational improvements, and recommendations for the private-realm built form.