Clear Fork Force Main

Closed July 28, 2022, 01:30 PM

  • Reference number100996 -2
  • StatusOpen
  • SummaryThe Clear Fork Force Main project consists of approximately 3 miles of 36-Inch HDPE force main piping proposed to be installed by open cut, jacked in steel casing pipe and installed by horizontal directional drilling (HDD). The project is being installed in conjunction with the ongoing Clear Fork Lift Station Project, intended to relieve sanitary sewer overflows in the Clear Fork sewer basin.

The pipeline begins at the Clear Fork Lift Station west of Rogers Road and Riverfront Drive intersection and traverses Rogers Road north and east until a proposed HDD installation beneath UPRR, NTTA, and TxDOT right of ways. The installation will continue northeast through Trinity Park, cross the Clear Fork Trinity River by HDD to just west of the Parkview Road and Forest Park Boulevard intersection. Finally, the pipeline will continue north along Forest Park Boulevard by HDD to Rotary Plaza and end on 5th Street just east of Forest Park Boulevard.