Construction project consists of the replacement of 1,290 linear feet of 8-inch water pipe, 1,223 linear feet of 8-inch sanitary sewer pipe by open cut, and 1,336 linear feet of 8-inch sanitary sewer pipe by other than open cut. The areas are:
- along Hulen Sreet. from Wilton Drive to Wheelock Drive
- along Altamesa Boulevard near Vega Drive,
- the intersection of North Wedgemont Circle and Winifred Drive
- at Misty Meadows Drive South between Santa Rita Drive and Holly Springs Drive.
Proposed water improvements include the removal and replacement of one fire hydrant and 14 1-inch water services including permanent asphalt pavement repair.
Proposed sanitary sewer improvements include the replacement of 11 4-inch sewer services, ten 4-inch sewer service reinstatements and 15 4-foot diameter sanitary sewer manholes including permanent asphalt and concrete pavement repairs.
Proposed pavement improvements include a 2-inch minimum mill and overlay (MOL) of approximately 3,333square yards of asphalt pavement along with the removal and replacement of 1,060 linear feet of 6-inch concrete curb and gutter, 5,000 square feet of 4-inch sidewalk and 2,000 square feet of 6-inch concrete driveway.