Ramp Health

The City of Fort Worth’s Healthy Challenge employee wellness program will be changing the vendor used for the website and app used to help you track your wellness incentives. The change will be from Personify (formerly Virgin Pulse) to Ramp Health. More information can be found here(PDF, 417KB)
A registration e-mail will be sent from Ramp Health on Monday, Jan. 27 for Employees and Retirees to create their accounts and get starting on 2025 wellness activities through Ramp Health. If you have a Spouse on the City’s health plan, please be sure to share the registration link with them as Spouse participation is required to help Employees and Retirees earn the Premium Incentive!
Starting Jan. 28, we will also have two (2), on-site health coaches from Ramp available for you to meet with to discuss your health goals and start your wellness journey. Keep an eye out for communications with more information about our new platform and coaches including Meet and Greet events to learn more about the platform and our on-site coaches!
Important: The wellness requirements and deadlines will not be changing. The only changes to the wellness program in 2025 is that there is a new platform (website and app) and health coaching services will be in person with our on-site coaches.
Frequently Asked Questions:
1. Why do I still have access to Personify (Formerly Virgin Pulse)?
Access to Personify will end for everyone in Jan. 30, 2025. This is an intentional overlap into the new incentive year so participants have a chance to review their 2024 activities to understand their Premium Incentive and Cash Payout rewards.
2. What do I do if I’ve already had my biometric screening in 2025?
Once the Ramp Health program launches, you will be able to create your account and download the Biometric Screening Form to fill it in and submit it with your screening results. Be sure to submit by Aug. 31, 2025!
3. Why do I need to submit a Biometric Screening Form in the first place?
The Biometric Screening Form is a standard requirement for wellness programs to understand how participation in wellness programs influences health outcomes.
For more information, please contact the Healthy Challenge employee wellness program at wellnessprogram@fortworthtexas.gov.


By signing in to their personalized and confidential  Ramp Health app, employees can track many aspects of their health and fitness. By doing so, they can earn rewards and points toward their annual Healthy Challenge Cash Payout of either $150, $200 or $250.

Additionally, by participating in the Healthy Challenge Premium Incentive program, employees can avoid paying an additional $100 per month on their insurance premium.

Employees have until Aug. 31, 2022, to complete the requirements to earn their Healthy Challenge Premium Incentive. If you have a spouse on the health plan, they will also need to complete the Premium Incentive activities before the deadline in order for you to earn the Premium Incentive.

Employees have until Dec. 15, 2022, to earn their Healthy Challenge Cash Payout. Spouses are not eligible for the Cash Payout so they do NOT need to complete the Dec. 15 deadline.

To make it as easy as possible to optimize your health AND qualify for the Premium Incentive and the Cash Payout, here is a breakdown of all the requirements and deadlines:

Premium incentive requirements

Premium incentive requirements:

Aug. 31 is the deadline for the following three things:

  • Health Assessment (HA).
  • Nicotine-Free Statement or Being Tobacco-Free Journey (TOB).
  • Biometric Screening Form (BSF).

Cash payout requirements and deadlines

Cash payout requirements and deadlines:

Aug. 31 deadline:

  • All Premium Incentive requirements must be completed (HA, TOB, BSF).

Dec. 15 deadline:

  • Self-report ONE preventive screening on your My Care Checklist.
  • Earn points for completing healthy activities:
    • 15,000 points for $150.
    • $25,000 points for $200.
    • $40,000 points for $250.

Note: Cash Payout rewards are not cumulative. Maximum payout is $250.