Martin Luther King Day closing schedule
Most City offices, including City Hall, will be closed Monday, Jan. 20, for Martin Luther King Day. Emergency services will be available as usual.
The City of Fort Worth made changes, approved by an employee vote, to the pension system that will take effect in 2019.
Since the employee vote passed, the proposed contribution increases, the Risk Sharing mechanism, additional employee contributions on overtime and the additional DROP year will all take effect.
Contribution changes for General Employees will begin July 20, 2019.
Contribution changes for Firefighters and Police Officers will also begin July 20, 2019, and their contributions will be phased in over the next two years.
Based on the performance of the plan, the Risk Sharing mechanism will kick in during 2022. These additional contribution increases are anticipated to last for two years.
As a reminder, the changes to sick/major medical leave and the COLA will also be effective July 20, 2019.
Download the PDF document(PDF, 2MB)
More details and information about each employees group’s specific circumstances as part of the employee education campaign that occured at the beginning of the year in January, in advance of the positive employee vote that occured in February.
City Pension Hotline - Email: City Pension Hotline - Phone: 817-392-7737 City of Fort Worth Employees' Retirement Fund: 817-632-8900
Pension Education Meeting - Employee Presentation (Video)
Pension Education Lunch & Learn PowerPoint Presentation Updated June 20, 2019(PDF, 2MB)
Contact your Human Relations Coordinator to request a Lunch & Learn presentation.
View a history of previous proposals(PDF, 245KB) and communications about earlier drafts of the pension solution.