Vivian J. Lincoln Branch Library

CITY NEWS municipal court-lincoln location.jpg

8829 McCart Ave. |  Fort Worth, TX 76123

817-392-5820  |  Print at this location

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Sunday | Closed

Monday | Noon - 8 pm

Tuesday | 10 am - 8 pm

Wednesday | 10 am - 8 pm

Thursday | 10 am - 8 pm

Friday | 10 am - 6 pm

Saturday | 10 am - 6 pm

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This community library has a variety of unique features to serve the neighborhood:

Please see the Room Rentals tab for information on reserving meeting spaces.

Visit Bumpersaurus at the Lincoln library! 

With headlights for eyes and rearview mirrors for eyelashes, the 12-foot Bumpersaurus will greet all our guests who visit the outside play area of the Vivian J. Lincoln Library. Our young guests under 54" can climb up his tail and slide out his mouth!

Originally donated to the Fort Worth Museum of Science and History by Dan E. Lowrance, this amazing sculpture created by Allen Boerger from Roto Studios now has a permanent home with the Fort Worth Public Library. 

Can you find all the unique parts that make up the Bumpersaurus?

  • Excavator buckets for feet
  • 400 moon hubcaps for scales
  • Half a bumper car for the nose
  • Vespa venders for hips
  • 520 steel nuts creating unique stegosaurus-like spikes
  • License plate scales
  • Flashing headlight eyes
  • Rearview mirror eyelashes
 bumpersaurus-name.jpg  bumpersaurus-scales.jpg  bumpersaurus-mouth.jpg
 bumpersaurus-head.jpg  bumpersaurus-bolts.jpg  bumpersaurus-plates.jpg


Public Art Installation

Fabled public art Area C Projects’ artwork entitled Fabled draws upon the library’s role as a teller of stories and stories as creators of place. The artists suggest that what people know about a place comes from the stories it tells about itself. The artwork is an interior, upright sculpture composed of long, slender wooden and glass rods that appear to be descending from the ceiling. The artwork form steps off from the form of a pillar, one that is not complete but rather captured in the act of assembling itself. From the ceiling of the library lantern, its individual parts cascade down and find their place in the developing structure below. While the pillar form represents the stories already in place, the falling pieces represent the voices of community members who have not yet been born or arrived here – the voices from which tales will continue to grow.


Room Rentals

Step 1.We are pleased to offer a variety of meeting spaces for the community. 

Make a Reservation  Meeting Room Policy(PDF, 267KB)

Please note: Reservations at this location may only be made for events to be held during regular business hours.

Reservations can be paid for by credit card and electronic check payments online.

If you are a non-profit organization and have never made an online reservation, please contact the location directly for information about documentation required to receive the non-profit rate. Once non-profit status has been verified, staff will create the non-profit organization’s user account.


Step 2.Meeting Room (Full, A & B)


$35 per hour
$15 per hour for non-profit organizations (501(c)(3) required)

Side A includes a fridge and a sink.

Additional fees and charges may apply for housekeeping and other services.

Maximum occupancy: 131

Please note: this room can be split into two for smaller groups up to 90 and 41 people respectively.

Step 3. 

Step 4.Conference Room


$35 per hour
$15 per hour for non-profit organizations (501(c)(3) required)

Additional fees and charges may apply for housekeeping and other services.

Maximum occupancy: 8

Our Namesake

Portrait of Vivian J. Lincoln

Vivian J. Lincoln (1956 - 2022) was a longtime educator and first female African American principal in the Crowley Independent School District.

Lincoln was born April 13, 1956, in Drew County, Ark. She graduated with honors from the University of Arkansas at Monticello in 1978, and earned a master’s degree from TCU in 1994. She loved learning and loved the field of education, which became her life’s work. She passed away on May 14, 2022.

According to her family, one of Lincoln’s favorite quotes was “Excellence begins in the home, is nurtured in our schools and is demonstrated throughout life.”

Her remarkable dedication to education spanned almost four decades to the students, staff, parents and communities she served and her love for children, education and excellence was demonstrated throughout all aspects of her life. Locally, she served in Crowley ISD and led Jackie Carden Elementary as principal for 15 years where she had painted on the doorways “Always Believe in Children.” She retired in 2017 after 39 years in public education.