Author Series: Lezlee Liljenberg

Next date: Saturday, March 29, 2025 | 02:00 PM to 03:30 PM


When modern science collides with expectations...

Modern DNA testing can shake up perceptions of ourselves if our lineage isn’t exactly what we thought it was. Lezlee Liljenberg experienced that kind of surprise when the results of a DNA test pointed to someone unexpected being her biological father. Liljenberg will discuss her book, If You Only Knew A Genealogy Journey: Navigating DNA Surprises and the *NPE (Non-Parent Expected) World, at an in-person-only event at the Fort Worth History Center. A Q&A will follow her presentation. 

About the Book

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Over the past 30 years, Lezlee Liljenberg knew something wasn’t right about the story of her past. In 2020 her DNA test sparked even more uncertainty about her heritage. 

Lezlee spent several years asking all the right questions of her family and friends, to no avail. Then in 2020, her brother encouraged her to take the 23andMe test. The results turned her life in a totally new, exciting and topsy-turvy direction. A year later, she discovered the identity of her biological family and has taken numerous steps to meet them. Besides suffering disappointment and pain, she has encountered love and acceptance that helps overcome the hurt.  

Lezlee is sharing her DNA story about love, loss, pain and pursuit of the truth to help others know that they are not alone. Her story is not an unusual one as the community of the “Non-Parent Expected” grows exponentially every year.

About the Author

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Lezlee Liljenberg is a business owner, entrepreneur and author on a mission to help others in the discovery of their true identities, their biological families and dealing with DNA surprises.  

In a previous life, she was a successful commercial real estate broker. In 2004, she started her first insurance agency form the ground up, growing the business to more than $6 million in revenue in less than 12 years. After 18 years, she sold her enterprise and formed Liljenberg Insurance Expert Witness, where she is a consultant and expert witness for insurance cases. She wholeheartedly believes that age should never keep you back from learning more and taking new adventures.  

She holds a BA in Journalism/Public Relations and a MA in Political Science/Public Administration from UT-Arlington. She has published two books and numerous articles.



  • Saturday, March 29, 2025 | 02:00 PM - 03:30 PM


Fort Worth History Center, 501 E. Bolt Street, Fort Worth 76110  View Map

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