Next date: Saturday, April 12, 2025 | 02:00 PM to 03:00 PM
Fort Worth-born poet Dave Oliphant is returning to the city to give a visual presentation of his poem, "The Cowtown Circle." His presentation will showcase works of art created by an artists’ collective known as the Fort Worth Circle as he weaves a tapestry of events in Fort Worth. The Fort Worth Circle was a progressive art colony active during the 1940s and 1950s comprising younger artists who embraced themes not traditionally a part of the Texas art scene at the time.
As a destination for discovery, your Fort Worth Public Library is a location for learners of any age. We designed this program for adults.
Dave Oliphant is the author of numerous collections of poetry including Maria’s Poems (1987) for which he won an Austin Book Award; Memories of Texas Towns & Cities (2000); Backtracking (2004); KD a Jazz Biography (2012), a book entirely in rhyming quatrains; The Pilgrimage: Selected Poems, 1962-2013 (2013); The Cowtown Circle (2014); and Maria’s Book (2016).
He has also translated Chilean poets, edited three anthologies of Texas poets and worked at UT-Austin in various roles for 30 years until his retirement in 2006.
Fort Worth History Center, 501 E. Bolt Street, Fort Worth 76110 View Map
501 E. Bolt Street , Fort Worth 76110