Cultural programs combine diverse fun, learning experiences for all
Published on December 01, 2022
A lot goes into developing library activities that highlight a particular aspect of a culture.
Ideas are created and developed by a team of 10 – six who work at library locations and four with systemwide roles. Team members identify significant observations and traditions that are celebrated all over the world. Related activities are developed to appeal to all age groups.
“We strive to make each of our offerings culturally appropriate and enjoyable,” said Rita Alfaro, music librarian. “We highlight various cultures, countries, and people that may be new to some members of our community, so it’s not just an activity but an opportunity for lifelong learning.”
Several ideas were considered for this winter’s programming. To observe Black History Month in February, the team developed a children’s program to honor
Henrietta Lacks’ contribution to medical science. The focus on a significant person who is not recognized with their own holiday is a first this year. An adult program celebrating Black History takes a completely different approach, focusing on storytelling through
Black fiber arts.
A December program for adults will center on
Yaldā (also known as Chelle), an Iranian holiday observed on the longest night of the year that focuses on family, delicious fruit dishes and poetry. The library’s activity will include poetry and creation of pomegranate table wreaths. Children have the chance to learn about and make their own star-shaped piñatas that are part of the annual Mexican celebration of
Las Posadas.
In January, adults can learn about the history and significance of
Gong Fu Cha, an ancient Chinese tea ceremony. Then, they can create a tile based on traditional Chinese porcelain. Children can attend a program that will discuss the stories around the 12 animals of the
Chinese zodiac for Lunar New Year and then create animal caricatures.
“Our hope is that by creating these enriching programs, participants will further utilize library resources about cultures and traditions that they may not have learned about before,” said Kim Tran, Youth Services public education specialist. “Our city is very diverse, and our goal is to create programming that celebrates and matches the wonderful diversity of Fort Worth.”
To find specific activities and learn when and where they are scheduled, click on the links above or visit and use the
Fun Finder tool. Use
“culture” in the keyword search to find these and other culture-related programs.