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Keep up-to-date on city council, board meetings and presentations by watching Fort Worth Television. View programming live or recorded, either online, on TV or YouTube.

Watch live City Council meetings on Live Stream 1 or view recorded City Council meetings on FWTV.

Watch boards and commissions meetings live or as recordings on FWTV.

Watch programs or initiatives in action, as recorded videos from the links below.
The transition to the New City Hall is almost completed to record meetings. Due to the transition the BOA will be available today via YouTube today. Thank you for your patience.
The Transition of the New City Hall is almost completed to record meeting. Due to the transition, the BSC will be available via YouTube only. Thank you for your patience.
Building Standard Commission recorded video available on YouTube:
Click the active link in this box, which will show when a City Council meeting is in progress. This link will navigate to Live Stream 1.