Your Fort Worth Public Library is here to help caregivers with babies with a new service and items to check out. Our baby bags are:
- Bilingual (English and Spanish)
- Packaged in easy-to-carry backpacks
- Include toys and books for the family
- Include guides for caregivers
Search our catalog today for "baby bag" and you'll find a variety of themes to keep your little one interested and entertained.
Baby Bag Experiences
These kits help develop skills including sensory, fine motor, gross motor, logical, creative, emotional, and self-esteem.
All of our baby bag materials are bilingual (English/Spanish). This is a great opportunity for families wanting to introduce their children to both languages at an early stage. Also, for caregivers who may only speak one of these languages, all the resources, activity ideas are accessible.
All baby bag materials are cleaned before being made available for checkout.


My Body
- Babies will learn about their body and have fun with the special toy included.

- Babies will explore texture and color, building gross motor skills.
- Your little one will love to touch these beanbags!

Babies will learn simple number concepts with these great books.
Your little one will love to touch, stack, and count these cups!





Experience the fun
Baby bags are just one way your library can help you and the little one in your life develop important skills. We have a variety of other support groups and programs we hope you'll consider: