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eCARD registration is available for many Fort Worth residents and property owners. If your application is rejected or you receive a provisional card message, please contact for assistance.
If you are under the age of 18 you must have your guardian's consent and complete registration at the library.
If you are under the age of 18 you must have your guardian's consent and complete the following information.
Please enter your home or property address. PO Boxes and mailing addresses not allowed.
The last 4 digits of this phone number will be your default password. You can change it by logging into your Library account.
Required for mobile phone only. Carrier Texting fees may apply.
By submitting this form and as the authorized user, I accept responsibility for all uses of this account including fines incurred and lost, damaged, and stolen materials borrowed on it. I agree to report any changes to the patron information connected with it. I agree to follow the Fort Worth Library's Circulation Policy
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