Log Cabin Village Passes

Experience a fun blast from the past with free admission to Fort Worth's Log Cabin Village!  

 a costumed staff member talks to guests at the Log Cabin Village


Reserve a Digital Pass

Reserve a Physical Pass


Fort Worth's Log Cabin Village features a collection of Texas log cabins, each showcasing a distinct architectural style. Dating from the mid- to late 1800s, these structures allow visitors to literally step into the houses of our ancestors and imagine what life was like in the 19th century.


Pass Rules:

  • Admission Pass is not valid for group tours, special program fees, or craft fees – general admission only.
  • Only one Admission Pass may be used per party of 5, per visit.
  • The Admission Pass destination reserves the right to refuse acceptance of the pass at any time.
  • One Admission Pass may be checked out on each library card per loan period. Loan period is ONE WEEK.
  • The Admission Pass may be not renewed.
  • The Admission Pass must be returned to any Fort Worth Public Library.


Reglas del Pase de Admisión:

  • El Pase de Admisión no es válido para visitas en grupo, tarifas de programas especiales o tarifas de artesanía: sólo para admisión general.
  • Sólo se puede utilizar un Pase de Admisión por un grupo de 5 personas, por visita.
  • El destino del Pase de Admisión se reserva el derecho de rechazar la aceptación del pase en cualquier momento.
  • Se puede obtener un Pase de Admisión con cada credencial de la biblioteca por período de préstamo. El período de préstamo es de UNA SEMANA.
  • El Pase de Admisión no podrá ser renovado.
  • El Pase de Admisión debe ser devuelto a cualquier Biblioteca Pública de Fort Worth.



Download the Libby app on your own device to get the digital passes here:

  • Google play downloads button   Apple download app form store button


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