Directions Home


Making homelessness rare, short-term and nonrecurring in Fort Worth


Funds housing services and resources for people experiencing homelessness in Fort Worth.


  • Oversee approximately $6.3 million in City and State funds to reduce homelessness and keep clients housed
  • Work with community partners to align resources and processes to most effectively reduce homelessness
  • Facilitate development of permanent supportive housing units to reduce chronic homelessness 

Need Help?

Call/Text Partnership Home Homeless Helpline: 817-996-8800 Partnership Home Local Resource Guide

Cold Weather Overflow Sheltering, Oct. 2024 - March 2025

Cold Weather Shelter Information:

Dial 311, press 9 for details.

Información sobre Albergue de Clima Frío:

Marque 311, oprima 9 para más detalles.


When weather triggers are met, Cold Weather Overflow beds are activated.

Weather triggers: 40 degrees in wet conditions; below 35 degrees in dry conditions; or a wind chill of below 32 degrees for three or more consecutive hours.

When cold weather shelter is activated, report to existing emergency shelters: Union Gospel Mission, Presbyterian Night Shelter or The Salvation Army Mabee Center. If those shelters are full, people seeking shelter will be directed to the Flag Building on East Lancaster to receive further information to utilize the overflow shelter available.




2018-2024 Funded Programs Quarterly Outcomes

Directions Home FY25 Funding, General Fund

Directions Home Budget Breakdown FY25 .PNG

Permanent Supportive Housing Supportive Services


Rapid Rehousing


Rapid Exit


System Support


High ImpACT Pilot Program


