Emergency Household Assistance Program – CARES Act

Fort Worth CARES funds have been exhausted. City of Fort Worth Neighborhood Services will continue serving residents of Fort Worth and Tarrant County with the following programs:

Community Services Block Grant

Community Action Partners provides eligible applicants rent and utility assistance. Eligible applicants must meet program income requirements, which includes household incomes at or below 200% of the poverty level. The applicant may only apply for rent and utility assistance related to one property. This application is open to Tarrant County residents.

Residents applying for this program must complete a Community Action Partners application.

Emergency Rental Assistance

The City of Fort Worth and its partner agencies are accepting applications for emergency rental assistance. Apply for help with rent, past due rent, utilities, past due utility payments and other housing expenses resulting from the coronavirus outbreak.


COVID-19 Relief Funding Allocations

The U.S. Housing and Urban Development Department awarded the City of Fort Worth more than $6.8 million to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic. The funds may be used for a variety of emergency and support services for low- and moderate-income residents. All funds must be used to prevent, prepare for and respond to the coronavirus.

The City of Fort Worth Neighborhood Services Department will oversee allocation of these relief funds. City Council approved the following funding recommendations on May 19, 2020 (Tier I) and June 23, 2020 (Tier II):

CARES Act Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG-CV2)

It is recommended that ESG-CV2 funds totaling $6,070,529 be allocated as follows: </p>

ESG-CV2 public notice

CARES Act Community Development Block Grant (CDBG-CV)

It is recommended that the total $4,360,291 CDBG-CV amount be allocated as follows:

  • Emergency Rental Assistance Programs: $2,531,358
    These funds were awarded to agencies that administer emergency rental assistance consistent with a program model that provides up to three months of rental assistance for households with incomes under 80% of the Area Median Income (AMI) who are late on their rent or unable to pay next month’s rent. Eligible clients will pay 30% of current income toward their rent, will provide proof of income for all members of the household, will provide proof of reduction and/or loss of income due to the COVID-19 crisis, will provide a copy of their current lease and will obtain verification of landlord's acceptance of terms and conditions of City rental assistance.
  • Services for the Elderly: $500,000
    These funds were awarded to agencies that offer activities to elderly persons to reduce their risk of COVID-19, such as in-home meals or other services, transportation, health and wellness-related services and the like.
  • Employment-related Services: $465,875
    These funds were awarded to agencies that offer activities such as job placement, training, coaching and/or direct assistance to support employment or remove barriers to employment such as child care, certifications, work clothing, tools and related items.
  • General Administration: $872,058
    Costs of planning for, administering, reporting on and monitoring all activities paid for with CDBG-CV funds.
  • Direct Awards to Public Service Agencies
    Contracts will be awarded to the following agencies and programs in the following amounts:

Table 1: CDBG-CV Agencies

Emergency Rental Assistance

Agency Program Amount
Housing Channel Emergency rental assistance $ 700,000
Center for Transforming Lives Emergency rental assistance $1,006,358
Pathfinders, Inc. Emergency Rental Assistance $ 375,000
Tarrant County Samaritan Housing Emergency Rental Assistance $ 200,000
The Salvation Army Emergency Rental Assistance $ 250,000
Total Emergency Rental Assistance Contracts $2,531,358


Services for the Elderly

Agency Program Amount
Meals on Wheels Senior Meals Delivery Program $ 200,000
Sixty and Better Home Delivery of Meals/Food $ 300,000


Employment-Related Services

Agency Program Amount
Center for Transforming Lives Micro-Enterprise Support $ 121,754
Presbyterian Night Shelter Clean Slate Employment Services $ 160,000
Recovery Resource Council Clean Slate Employment Services Veterans $ 54,900
The Women's Center of Tarrant County Employment RElated Services $ 120,221
Total Employment-Related Services Contracts $ 456,875
Total CDBG-CV Contracts $3,488,233


CARES Act Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG-CV)

ESG-CV funds totaling $2,202,959 will be allocated as follows:

  • Homelessness Prevention: $75,000
    These funds were awarded to an agency that administers homelessness prevention services to help clients maintain housing stability, including payment of rental arrears and late fees, staff case management and intake worker salaries, and related costs.
  • Shelter Operations/Services: $350,000
    These funds were awarded to agencies operating homeless shelters for the costs of staff for operations, including housing assessors and case managers; cost of child care, employment assistance, mental health services not available through other resources, client transportation, and related services provided within an emergency homeless shelter. Also includes costs of physically maintaining and operating a homeless shelter, including insurance, supplies, and security costs.
  • Rapid Re-Housing: $1,100,000
    These funds were awarded to agencies that provide rapid rehousing assistance and accompanying services to homeless persons living in shelters or on the streets.
  • Administration: $220,295
    Costs of planning for, administering, reporting on and monitoring all activities paid for with ESG-CV funds.

Table 2: ESG-CV Agencies

Homelessness Prevention

Agency Program Amount
Salvation Army Homelessness Prevention $ 75,000
Total Shelter Operation/Services Contracts $ 75,000


Shelter Operations

Agency Program Amount
Presbyterian Night Shelter Shelter Operations/Services $ 230,000
True Worth Police Day Shelter Operations/Services $ 120,000
Total Shelter Operations/Services Contracts $350,000


Rapid Re-Housing

Agency Program Amount
Center for Transforming Lives Rapid Re-Housing $ 257,664
Day Resource Center Rapid Re-Housing $ 375,000
Presbyterian Night Shelter Rapid Re-Housing $ 500,000
SafeHaven of Tarrant County Rapid Re-Housing $ 100,000
The Salvation Army Rapid Re-Housing $ 325,000
Total Rapid Re-Housing Contracts   $1,557,664
Total ESG_CV Contracts $1,982,664


CARES Act Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA-CV)

HOPWA-CV funds totaling $246,806 will be allocated as follows:

  • City of Fort Worth Neighborhood Services Department: $77,332
    Community Action Partners (CAP) Program, Tenant Based Rental Assistance (TBRA)
  • Grant Administration: $14,808
    Costs of planning for, administering, reporting on and monitoring all activities paid for with HOPWA-CV funds.
  • Direct Awards to Public Service Agencies
    Contracts are recommended for the following agencies and programs in the following amounts:

Table 3: HOPWA-CV Agencies

Agency Program Amount
Tarrant County Samaritan Housing, Inc. Supportive services, facility-based housing
operations, administration
$ 77,333
AIDS Outreach Center Short-term rent mortgage and utility assistance,
supportive services, administration
$ 77,333
Total HOPWA-CV Contracts $ 154,666