Consolidated Plan 2023-2027 A five-year strategy to set housing and community development priorities for HUD's CPD block grant programs.
Housing Finance Corporation Helps finance the residential ownership and development of single-family and multi-family dwellings for low and moderate incomes.
Community Planning & Reporting Oversees the planning and reporting of grant programs that fund community projects, such as neighborhood improvements, affordable housing and housing stability.
Homebuyer Assistance Program Provides up to $25,000 in mortgage assistance for income-eligible first-time homebuyers within the Fort Worth city limits.
Lead-Safe Program Offers lead hazard reduction home repairs to ensure a safe, lead-free environment for children and residents of Fort Worth
Priority Repair Program Provides critical emergency and mechanical system repairs to Fort Worth homeowners in need, ensuring safe and livable conditions.
Neighborhood Empowerment Zones (NEZs) Promote development, revitalization and investment in underserved neighborhoods through targeted policies and incentives.
Public Service Agencies Public Service Agencies (PSAs) are nonprofit organizations that provide essential social services to vulnerable populations, especially those with lower incomes.
CDBG Disaster Recovery Grant The Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) provides HUD funding for long-term recovery from the 2021 Winter Storm in Fort Worth