Notice of Public Hearing for Carter Park
Next date: Tuesday, March 25, 2025 | 10:00 AM
The Water Department has requested the use of a portion of Carter Park for a permanent water line maintenance area for replacement and realignment of a 12-inch water line (Project). The new water line will replace an existing exposed 12-inch water line crossing Sycamore Creek, just north of Seminary Drive.
The purpose of this Texas Parks and Wildlife – Chapter 26 parkland conversion process is to use a portion of Carter Park for the realignment of the water line outside the existing permanent maintenance area.
A section of the existing water line crossing Sycamore Creek is exposed to water flow and debris in the channel. The Water Department has identified this project as a priority to replace the water line and bury the line under Sycamore Creek. The section of existing water line exposed will be removed as part of the project. The park will be restored to previous condition or better upon completion of the project.
The proposed water line requires an approximate 15 foot wide by 340 linear foot permanent maintenance area that equates to approximately 5,100 square feet or 0.12 acres. In addition, a temporary construction workspace area totaling approximately 7,358 square feet or 0.17 acres is required for project construction. The method of construction selected within the park is open cut and by other than open cut (directional drill).
The City Forester has determined that no park trees require removal for installation of the new water line. Trees within 75 feet of the project will be protected as a precautionary measure.
Construction is anticipated to begin in February 2025 and last approximately three months. The park will be restored to previous conditions or better upon completion of the project.
In accordance with Chapter 26 of Texas Parks and Wildlife Code, the City of Fort Worth seeks to use a portion of Carter Park for a water line maintenance area. For questions, please contact Mr. David Jodray at
A Public Hearing is scheduled for March 25, 2025 at 10:00 a.m. at the old City Hall, 200 Texas Street, Fort Worth, 76102 during the regularly scheduled City Council Meeting.
Tuesday, March 25, 2025 | 10:00 AM
City Council Meeting Chamber
Second Floor
Old City Hall, 200 Texas Street, Fort Worth, 76102, View Map
200 Texas Street ,
Fort Worth 76102
Old City Hall
200 Texas Street ,
Fort Worth 76102
Notice of Public Hearing for Carter Park