Notice of Public Hearing for Ciquio Vasquez Park

Next date: Tuesday, March 25, 2025 | 10:00 AM

A map of Ciquio Vasquez Park depicting the Oncor easement on the west side of the park.

The City of Fort Worth Park & Recreation Department (PARD) is requesting the use of a portion of Ciquio Vasquez Park (Park) for an Oncor utility easement.

The park is approximately 41.3 acres and identified as a community-based park. The 2022 Bond Program identified $5 million for a park master plan and park improvements.

On September 26, 2023, City Council approved Mayor and Council Communication (M&C 23-0838) authorizing Amendment No. 1 to City Secretary Contract No. 58594 with Mesa Design Associates, Inc., for the design and development of Ciquio Vasquez Park Phase I Improvements (Project).

Project improvements require a new Oncor utility easement to support the lighting of two new ballfields, a concession stand, and park security lighting. The proposed new Oncor utility easement triggers the requirements of Texas Parks and Wildlife Code, Chapter 26. The proposed new Oncor utility easement varies in width from 10 feet to 13.67 feet wide and is approximately 100 feet in length, totaling approximately 1,074 square feet or 0.025 acres. Installation of the utilities require an adjacent temporary construction workspace that is approximately 1,074 square feet or 0.025 acres. Portions of the park will be closed for project improvements during construction.

The City Forester has determined that there are no tree impacts associated with the new Oncor utility easement.

Construction is anticipated to begin in February 2025 and last approximately 260 days. The park will be restored to previous conditions or better upon completion of the project.

In accordance with Chapter 26 of Texas Parks and Wildlife Code, the City of Fort Worth seeks to use a portion of Ciquio Vasquez Park for a permanent utility easement. 

In accordance with Chapter 26 of Texas Parks and Wildlife Code, the City of Fort Worth seeks to use a portion of Ciquio Vasquez Park for a water line maintenance area. For questions, please contact Mr. David Jodray at

A Public Hearing is scheduled for March 25, 2025 at 10:00 a.m. at the old City Hall, 200 Texas Street, Fort Worth, 76102 during the regularly scheduled City Council Meeting. 




  • Tuesday, March 25, 2025 | 10:00 AM


City Council Meeting Chamber
Second Floor

Old City Hall, 200 Texas Street, Fort Worth, 76102, View Map

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