Alliance Park

092322_Alliance Park_HDC_0381.jpg



  • 2019



  • 170.6  acres


Additional amenities

  • Playground
  • Stand Alone Swing 
  • Drinking Fountain 
  • Athletic Fields


Fun facts

The Fort Worth Park & Recreation Advisory Board approved a master plan for Alliance Park in 2017, which included soccer fields, multi-use courts, a playground, skate park, preserve area, and a great lawn. A $1 million grant from the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission spurred the park's development, funded by the commission's 2016 Urban Outdoor Recreation Grant funds. The city of Fort Worth matched the funds through land acquisition and additional funding from the 2018 bond program. The park's grand opening celebration took place in September 2022.

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3800 Litsey Rd., Fort Worth 76262  View Map

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