Camp Joy Park

Camp Joy Sign


  • 1918



  • 8.2 acres


Additional amenities

  • Bike rack
  • Fishing
  • Grills
  • Parking lot
  • Restroom
  • Stand Alone Swing



Camp Joy Park, located around Lake Worth, was not officially designated as a City park until November 1970. Previously a private camp, it was developed for public use after the Park Board terminated a commercial lease with Union Bank & Trust (Jess Faulkner) in 1957. The board paid Faulkner $2,925 for improvements and allowed him a small portion of the lease for 10 years to move his store building. In 1958, a boat ramp was built at the park, which now spans 8.23 acres and features a playground, picnic tables, and grills. Fishing is permitted. 



View animal, plant and insect species observed at Camp Joy Park and make some of your own observations through iNaturalist. See link under the "Related information" Section. 

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9621 Watercress Drive, Fort Worth 76135  View Map

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