Dabney Park



  • 1985



  • 3.4  acres


Additional amenities

  • Basketball court
  • Benches
  • Electrical box
  • Grill
  • Playground
  • Shelter
  • Stand Alone Swing
  • Tables

Fun facts

As a part of the subdivision requirements for the Dabney Addition in far south Fort Worth, a three acre park was dedicated to the city in 1985 by the Dabney Corporation. In 1986, the City purchased another 0.45 acres from Dunning Development. The additional acreage provided access from the south by means of Horizon Place. The park was held in reserve for a number of years. In 2006, Capital Improvement Program funds were used to provide improvements such as site grading, new playground facilities, and concrete walk.


View animal, plant and insect species observed at Dabney Park and make some of your own observations through iNaturalist. See link under the "Related information" Section. 

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7501 Whirlwind Drive, Fort Worth 76133  View Map

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