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On April 26, 2005, the City Council accepted the dedication of 32.168 acres of parkland from Centex Homes for the Harriet Creek Ranch Subdivision. The subdivision is north of SH 114 and west of FM 156. In early 2008, the City Council authorized Dunaway and Associates, L.P. to develop a master plan and Phase 1 construction documents. Implementation of the master plan began in 2009
The park is located in the Northwest Independent School District. In 2004, the City Council approved an Interlocal Agreement with the school district to promote joint use facilities between the City and the school district. In 2009, the two parties constructed a sidewalk/trail that was 1,000 feet long and eight feet wide along an adjacent elementary school’s drive that abutted the park. The sidewalk not only provided access to the school but also served as the main component of a proposed park trail that will create a loop around the park perimeter. The sidewalk was on school property and will be maintained by the school district. Following the completion of a master plan by Dunaway and Associates, L.P., additional improvements to the park were undertaken later that year.
View animal, plant and insect species observed at Harriet Creek Ranch Park and make some of your own observations through iNaturalist. See link under the "Related information" Section.
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16215 Cowboy Trail, Fort Worth 76247 View Map
16215 Cowboy Trail , Fort Worth 76247
Harriet Creek Ranch Hours are Dusk to Dawn