Jennings-May-St. Louis Park


  • 1997



  • 0.85 acres


Additional amenities

  • Benches
  • Grill
  • Park Lighting
  • Playground Area
  • Shelter
  • Stand Alone Swing
  • Tables


Fun Facts & History

In 1997, the Jennings-May-St. Louis neighborhood was one of the city’s neighborhoods that benefited from a $1.2 million grant the city received to reduce crime and beautify neighborhoods. Through the Model Block Program, the Jennings-May-St. Louis Neighborhood Development Corporation acquired two lots for park purposes. In addition, the Burlington Northern and Santa Fe Railway Company donated a small tract to the NDC. In 1999, the NDC donated both tracts totaling .85 acres to the city for park purposes. The name for the park and the neighborhood is derived from the major streets in the neighborhood. 

 View animal, plant and insect species observed at Jennings-May-St. Louis Park and make some of your own observations through iNaturalist. See link under the "Related information" Section.

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3041 South Jennings Avenue, Fort Worth 76110  View Map

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