Quail Ridge Neighborhood Park



  • 1986



  • 7.3 acres


Additional amenities

  • Bench
  • Bridge
  • Electrical box
  • Park lighting
  • Playground area
  • Stand alone swing
  • Table
  • Trash receptacle


Fun facts

This park is a neighborhood park that connects to Oakmont Linear Park.


Recreational highlights of the park include a playground with nearby benches and a picnic area. A stream runs through the park at the base of a hill covered in prairie wildflowers and grasses.


Quail Ridge became a park in 1986.


The majority of the park is comprised of Early Cretaceous Fort Worth Limestone and Duck Creek Formations. An unnamed stream flows north through the park from the uplands where the Tavolo community is located, south of Alta Mesa Boulevard. This stream flows into another unnamed stream where they then empty into the Clear Fork of the Trinity River.


The Aledo-Bolar Complex soil series consists of shallow, well drained, moderately permeable soils on gently sloping to steep uplands; that formed in interbedded limestones and marls of the Cretaceous Period.  


The park has a mix of narrow bottomland hardwoods along the stream with topography leading to a prairie-covered hilltop mesa. The mesa has no trails, but overlooks Oakmont Linear Park to the north. The mesa has high quality relict prairie species such as little bluestem, big bluestem, indiangrass, white rosinweed, giant blue sage, prairie verbena, pale yucca, Englemann daisy, antelopehorn, foxglove, Drummond’s skullcap , Texas prairie parsley, mealy blue sage, inland ceanothus, Texas sage, bluejacket, snakeherb, Barbara’s buttons, and hairy ruellia. Down below, trees line the stream to create a shaded area to rest near the trail and playground. Aquatic species can be found in the stream such as sunfish, various species of turtles, water darters, and dragonflies.

View animal, plant and insect species observed at Quail Ridge Park and make some of your own observations through iNaturalist. See link under the "Related information" Section.

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7451 Dutch Branch Road, Fort Worth 76132  View Map

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