Reby Cary Park



  • 2021



  • 0.4 acres



  • Stand Alone Swings
  • Playground
  • Shelters


Fun facts and History

Reby Cary Park is adjacent to Fort Worth’s first library devoted solely to children, the Reby Cary Youth Library. Both the park and the library opened in 2021. The park consists of 0.41 acres and was designed by Berkenbile Landscape Architects of Dallas. The park and library are named for Reby Cary (1920-2018), an African American civic leader, civil rights activist, educator, state legislator, and historian.


View animal, plant and insect species observed at Oakmont Park and make some of your own observations through iNaturalist. See link under the "Related information" Section. 

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3851 E Lancaster Ave, Fort Worth 76103  View Map

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