Sandybrook Pocket Park



  • 1984


  • 2.92 acres

Additional amenities

  • Bench
  • Drinking fountain
  • Electrical box
  • Grill
  • Playground area
  • Shelter
  • Trail
  • Table
  • Trash receptacle

Fun facts

The purchase of land for Sandybrook Park was approved by City Council on January 13, 1981. The 2.92-acre park site is in the Sandybrook Addition, a subdivision developed by Fox & Jacobs, Inc. Almost as soon as it was dedicated, the park became very popular with area residents. Early improvements included picnic facilities and a playground. More substantial improvements, including a shelter and playground equipment, were added circa. 1989. Additional improvements were implemented in 1999.


The park has a 0.10 mile cement trail connecting local streets to the playground. A shelter is available for picnics.


The geology is Grayson Marl and Main Street Limestone of the Cretaceous. Grayson Marl consists of greenish-gray thinly interbedded limestone with nodular bits of shale, sand and fossiliferous material. The Main Street Limestone is hard, thin interbedded gray and white layers.


The park consists of Rader series soils of deep, well drained, slowly permeable soils that formed in clayey and loamy alluvium derived from sandstone and shale. These soils are found in Eastern Cross Timbers on level to gently sloping stream terraces and terrace remnants on ancient inland dissected coastal plains.


The park is within the Eastern Cross Timbers ecosystem. This system is rapidly disappearing with urban development and there may be less than 100 acres remaining of intact Eastern Cross Timbers habitat in Fort Worth. It is dominated by post oak and blackjack oaks with an understory of herbaceous plants including little bluestem, splitbeard bluestem, purpletop, greenbriar, beautyberry, coralberry and various shade-loving wildflower forbs. Although the park is small and surrounding developed land has recently been developed, there is a surprising amount of biodiversity existing including a great diversity of insects and spiders.

View animal, plant and insect species observed at Sandybrook Pocket Park and make some of your own observations through iNaturalist. See link under the "Related information" Section.

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7049 Greenview Circle North, Fort Worth 76120  View Map

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